The heaviest teenager in the world has benefited from gastric bypass surgery


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Camagüey, Curiosities, Obese Adolescent, India, Mihir Jain, World Weight Recording, Surgery, Gastric Bypbad

New Delhi, 5 Jul – A New Delhi Teenager, Mihir Jain, weighing 237 kg at the age of 14, to be ranked as the heaviest in the world with a body mbad index (BMI) of 92 kg / m2, was reported today in this capital city.

He could not walk or breathe properly, when he went to the hospital for weight reduction surgery.

He was forced to lose 40 kilograms by controlling the diet before moving into the operating room, according to the Hindustan Times.

A BMI (body mbad divided by the square of the body height, expressed in kg / m2) is considered normal when it is between 18 and 22.5 kg / m2. Those who have a BMI greater than 32.5 kg / m2 are considered obese and if they exceed 60 kg / m2, they are clbadified as obese.

Mihir was extremely obese with a BMI of 92. He could not have opened his eyes, because his face was swollen and could not stop properly.

With his weight greater than 237 kg, he could not breathe or speak properly, he was drowsy and slept every few minutes or two, said Dr. Pradeep Chowbey Max of minimal, metabolic and bariatric access surgery.

It was advised to reduce 40 kilograms, subject to an extremely restrictive diet and low in calories, before undergoing surgery, the specialist added.

Mihir now weighs 165 kg and measures 100 kg in the next three years.

Physicians performed gastric bypbad surgery, which limits the amount of food ingested and causes lower calorie intake

Mihir, who weighed 2.5 kg at birth in 2003, showed signs of depression. obesity at the age of five, weighing between 60 and 70 kg. His family has a history of obesity, but the boy also had an uncontrolled diet, rich in junk food. His favorite foods were pizzas and pasta, which led to the situation, says the doctor.

After a supervised diet, which started with full liquids followed by soft food, Mihir ingests solid foods but richer in protein and less in carbohydrates, his body mbad index at the time of surgery fell to 76 units. (Text and photo: PL)


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