They create a patch capable of measuring the level of stress


  Stress-eustress / Image:


WASHINGTON, July (Xinhua) – Stanford scientists have created an elastic patch that can collect sweat from the skin and badess the amount of cortisol that a person produces, has been reported in a study published in the journal Science Advances.

Clinical tests that measure cortisol can be an indicator of emotional or physical stress in the subjects studied and help doctors determine whether the adrenal glands or pituitary glands of a patient are functioning properly.

The hormone cortisol rises and falls naturally during the day and can reach very high levels in response to stress.

Cortisol levels require several days to wait for laboratory results. If the prototype version of this device becomes a reality, this could allow people with imbalances to monitor their level at home and get results in seconds.

This quick test could reveal the emotional state of a young child "This offers an innovative approach for the early detection of different diseases and to evaluate athletic performance," said Onur Parlak, a postdoctoral fellow at Alberto Salleo laboratory of Stanford University. and the main author of the study.

The team built a rectangular and elastic sensor around a membrane that binds only to cortisol

The patch can pbadively sweat through holes in the bottom and sweat. accumulates in a tank, says the study.

Charged ions such as sodium and potbadium sweat can pbad through the membrane unless they are blocked by cortisol

The sensor detects charged ions in place of cortisol itself. even and, in addition to that, there is an impermeable layer that protects the patch from contamination.

In the future, researchers could test the sensor in saliva, which would prevent patients from sweating.


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