They will fight livestock diseases | Panama America


The president of Costa Rica Carlos Alvarado, yesterday signed the reforms of two decrees to declare the official fight against diseases brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis [19659003] that affect the country's livestock sector.

"This change is necessary to strengthen measures to control both diseases at the national level, in order to reduce their presence in the national herd and thus achieve its eradication," said the director general of the National Health Service (Senasa), Federico Chaverri.

The new regulations will be governed and supervised by Senasa, in coordination with public institutions, non-governmental organizations, official and private veterinarians and producers livestock

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[19459012] These diseases are contagious and affect domestic and wild species, and cause productive and economic impacts, including international trade in live animals.

The brucellosis is a disease Infectious diseases of goats, cattle and pigs that are transmitted to humans through the ingestion of their products, especially dairy products.

According to the figures of the last prevalence study conducted in Costa Rica in 2014, it was determined that brucellosis has a prevalence of 4.98 percent in herds nationwide.

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