Toothpaste can cause diabetes, according to the study


Washington, July 23 (Prensa Latina) Titanium dioxide found in toothpaste promotes the onset of type 2 diabetes, warns a University of Texas survey released today.
To demonstrate this claim, the authors badyzed small samples of pancreatic tissue from 11 volunteers, according to an article published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology.

As a result, eight of them were suffering from type 2 diabetes and titanium dioxide (E171) was found in its parts. In the other three people no trace of the chemical compound was found.

The authors have announced that they intend to repeat the experiment in a larger group of people.

The E171 is widely used in the cosmetic and food industry a whitish color for the products.

For its part, type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood. Its clbadic symptoms are excessive thirst, frequent urination and constant hunger.

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