Two "imported" cases of malaria detected in San Ignacio, Misiones – Printed edition


Two cases of "imported" malaria were confirmed by the regional office of the National Malaria Eradication Service (Senepa) in San Ignacio. They ask to take precautions.

SAN IGNACIO, Misiones (Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Correspondent). Regional director of the National Malaria Eradication Service (Senepa), Rubén Silva, said that two people who returned home about eight months ago from the African continent were tested positive for laboratory tests of malaria

. In Africa, for work reasons, they are badisted by the Ministry of Public Health from the moment the disease has been confirmed, said Silva.

On the other hand, Senegalese officials carry out blocking tasks of 500 meters. the districts of Maria Auxiliadora and Lourdes of this city, where the carriers of the disease reside.

Ministry of Health officials take blood samples in the area to prevent the spread of the disease. If there is another case, a series of aerial sprays will be performed to remove the transmission agents, known as ñati 'akua (pointed mosquitoes).

Malaria cases are registered after Paraguay received on June 12 certification of the first South American country without malaria, granted by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Silva also asked the public for any symptoms, such as fever and chills, immediately go to a public health center and avoid self-medication.

In addition, he asks all those who intend to visit Africa to inform Senepa

May be deadly

Infected persons usually develop fever, chills and flu-like symptoms at first. If left untreated, the disease can lead to serious complications and, in some cases, death, the Ministry of Public Health warned yesterday through its press office.

Symptoms appear after a period of seven days or more. The traveler who has a fever in the three months following a possible exposure should consider this as a medical emergency and be immediately recognized, indicates the document disclosed yesterday afternoon by the state wallet when the cases presented to Misiones were known. 19659003] Surveillance of Public Health

The Director of the Eighth Health Region, Dr. Pedro Pérez, stated that cases of malaria are very common in Africa and Central America. Considering that both patients who have returned from the aforementioned continent have been tested and tested positive, he said. In the cases presented to Misiones, Paraguay will strengthen its surveillance system at entry points and at the border, the Ministry of Health reported.

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