Why eating late can have disastrous consequences?



Eating late can have disastrous consequences for our health, and it has nothing to do with obesity. According to a new study published by Spanish researchers, inadequate admission schedules can increase the likelihood of cancer.

The development of bad and prostate cancer was badessed according to lifestyle and chronotype preference by wearing greater nighttime or daytime activity of the subjects.

To find the corresponding correlations, we studied the cases of a total of 4019 subjects, which included cancer patients and control. The subjects were asked about their meal times, their sleep and their chronotype. Other aspects related to their diet and cancer have also been evaluated.

Therefore, it was determined that an interval of at least two hours between dinner and sleep reduced the risk of bad cancer by 16%. and 26% in the case of the prostate.

Indeed, similar protective effects were seen in those who ate dinner before 9:00 pm compared to those who ate their last meal the next day. In addition, the researchers point to the benefits of combining a longer meal-to-sleep interval with recommendations for the prevention of this disease, reducing the risk of suffering 35%. 19659004] The importance of maintaining a diurnal rhythm of life thus stands out, since in combination with a greater sleep-sleep interval, the probability of having cancer decreases by 34%

( Sputnik World)

. disastrous consequences of eating late

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