A recently documented bald cypress stand in North Carolina, including a tree of at least 2624 years, is the oldest living tree known from eastern North America. (Photo: Charlie Peek / The Nature Conservancy)

Living before the birth of Jesus, this North Carolina cypress is one of the oldest trees, not only in the United States, but also in the world.

As wars and storms raged around this tree, this tree had been living for more than 2,600 years and was quietly growing on the banks of a river near Raleigh.

This week's scientists said it was now documented as the oldest tree in the eastern United States, a new study says, with a "birthday" estimated at 605 BC.

Surprisingly, the study indicates that the tree is part of a group of several cypresses that have survived for two millennia. "It is extremely unusual to see an old tree stand along the length of a river like this," said lead author David Stahle.

He also said it was amazing to realize that the trees "were alive in the time of Christ"

"Bald cypresses are valuable for wood and have been heavily exploited," said Stahle, a geoscientist at the University of Arkansas. "Well under 1% of the original virgin cypress forests survived."

He called it "one of the largest natural areas in eastern North America".

His work has helped preserve the area, according to the University of Arkansas. Since then, approximately 16,000 acres of the area have been purchased by The Nature Conservancy.

"Dr. Stahle's original works on the Black River, showing trees from Roman times, prompted us to begin the conservation of the Black River more than twenty years ago, "said Katherine Skinner, Executive Director of the Black River Chapter. North Carolina of The Nature Conservancy.

"This ancient forest gives us an idea of ​​what a great part of the North Carolina coastal plain looked like thousands of years ago. It's a source of inspiration and an important ecosystem. Without Dr. Stahle, he would have been left unprotected and probably destroyed, "said Skinner.

According to architect David Stahle of the University of Arkansas (right), these cypress trees on the shores of the Black River, North Carolina, are more than 2,600 years old. (Photo: Dan Griffin, University of Arkansas)

Angie Carl, also of Nature Conservancy, said it was the oldest cypress group in the world, according to WWAY-TV in Cape Fear, Nc

Stahle told the Charlotte Observer that he thought some of the trees in the area might be over 3,000 years old, and the researchers hope the findings will strengthen conservation efforts and raise public awareness. the importance of the region.

Stahle said he and his team discovered the old trees as they tried to reconstruct the historic climate of the southeastern United States by measuring the width of the rings.

As for the oldest tree in the entire United States, this honor goes to a Californian bristlecone pine, estimated to be over 5,000 years old.

The results regarding the North Carolina tree were published May 9 in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Research Communications.

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