Dentist warns never to use mouthwash after brushing teeth


She calls bullshit.

Mouthwash has long been touted as a sure-fire – and minty – way to kill all the germs left untreated by your toothbrush. However, dentist goes viral for criticizing practice of using mouth cleanser after brushing your teeth, as she puts it, can also remove the beneficial fluoride present in toothpaste.

“Using a mouthwash after brushing your teeth is going to give you tooth decay,” said London dentist Anna Peterson, warned in a TikTok clip with more than 1.8 million views.

In a second PSA video, the dental expert describes how the “toothpaste you brush your teeth with contains around 1450 ppm fluoride,” which is the ideal level to protect your teeth from the sugars in the foods and drinks you use. consume.

However, as Peterson points out, “your mouthwash contains only 220 ppm fluoride,” which is not enough to prevent plaque alypsum.

As a result, “when you brush your teeth and immediately rinse with mouthwash, you just rinse out all of the high-strength fluoride, for low-strength fluoride,” according to the oral hygiene aficionado. This in turn can make the mouth a magnet for germs.

Still, Peterson is not suggesting that we give up Scope forever. “I am in no way against mouthwashes,” said the dentist. “Because I really recommend it to my patients. But not all patients need it. I’m definitely not telling them to use it after brushing.

London dentist Anna Peterson explains why using mouthwash after brushing can be harmful to oral health.
London dentist Anna Peterson explains why using mouthwash after brushing can be harmful to oral health.

Suffice it to say, the directors of Listerine found the PSA hard to swallow.

“Okay, it’s good to know that I’ve done wrong my whole life,” lamented a disillusioned Tiktok commentator.

Another stammered: “What? Everyone rinse with water after brushing. Who leaves toothpaste on their teeth? “

Peterson replied, “Rinsing with water is better than rinsing with mouthwash, just brush and then spit out the excess, try not to rinse.”

“I thought fluoride was bad,” one chair hygienist wondered, prompting the dentist to explain, “Fluoride is toxic in large amounts, which is why it has been studied for so long and we are following the box. evidence-based tools for the right amount. “

In fact, Peterson received so many confused responses that she posted a third video on how to properly use the oral health booster.

“Okay, a lot of you are asking this question and I’m sure a lot of you are asking, ‘Well why do we even have mouthwash? »», Explained the dentist. “Mouthwash is a fantastic product to use, but you have to use it at the right time of day.”

Peterson explains how to properly use the oral health booster.
Peterson explains how to properly use the oral health booster.

Which, according to Peterson, is right after eating.

She described how the sugars in the foods you eat make your mouth acidic, causing your teeth to dissolve.

“Now, if you were to go brush your teeth at this point, what happens is you brush the acid out of your tooth,” insisted the medical professional. “And that causes dental erosion. So, to get your teeth out of this critical area, use a mouthwash. “

Basically, think of mouthwash as a palate cleanser rather than a nightcap.

Peterson’s PSA goes against conventional dental wisdom, which suggests that oral health support is an integral part of the dental hygiene regimen, regardless of when it is applied.

“Mouthwashes, when added to a good home care brushing and flossing regimen, can target a condition you are experiencing,” said dentist Mark Wolff, Ph. D., president of cariology and comprehensive care at New York University College of Dentistry. WebMD. “You don’t make noise for two minutes with a whitening mouthwash and suddenly you have white teeth. But if you brush well, avoid plaque and use this mouthwash as part of the package, you get whiter teeth.


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