Did Fauci really say more children died from COVID than from the flu?


Anthony Fauci has the most impactful face right now. Man comes and goes on everything. He admits that store-bought masks are failing to curb the spread of COVID. The NIH appears to have been a serious player in the research that created the virus that most likely escaped a Wuhan lab. He was against a study that didn’t recommend COVID vaccine boosters, now he’s changing his tone. He’s the QB1 regarding the “getting vaccinated but also staying indoors” story that undermined the entire vaccine surge. This has rightly generated skepticism about the efficacy of the vaccine. Now he has dropped Nagasaki-sized disinformation bombs on COVID, children and the flu. He said we have lost more children to COVID than to the flu. It is simply a lie. And the CDC’s own data proves that:

I know you’ve done it before, but cut that guy off when he’s on TV. What he says is a lie. This is not true. He’s been a sci-fi peddler for months and he really has no authority to issue edicts whatsoever. He has become the most unbearable man on the planet who, at this point, should probably be launched into the sun.

Shut up, Tony. You are a liar bag and always will be. Also, it was you who derailed your immunization goals by acting like it didn’t work, so big applause for all of you fools.


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