The creator and star of 'Atlanta & # 39; Donald Glover is not the only one to continue his career with success "Redbone".
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The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is the first late-night talk show on CBS, aired at 11:35 pm EST, streamed online via CBS All Access, and delivered to the International Space Station on a USB key recorded on a weather balloon. Every evening, viewers can expect to: Comedy, humor, fun moments, spiritual interviews, celebrities, celebrities, movie stars, tracks, humorous celebrities, funny celebrities, group pictures of all the stars of the world. Hollywood, even the most reclusive, plus jokes. .
Donald Glover has that thing. He's got it .
Aww, she's so cute!
Also, damn, her father is massive.
so on the nose
Donald is extremely talented……..Charity how cute was she????
We need people, leaders like him
I love that he even took the basket of cookies from Colbert. He seems like a genuinely nice guy!
that was a pretty nice moment
I love that he mentioned both Twin Peaks & Curb Your Enthusiasm ??
Did anyone else feel like this could turn out to be a skit for Atlanta at any moment haha?
Doesn't look to happy about the Grammy…
Stephen seems nervous
Colbert: cmon lets give them out, I'll hold them.
Two seconds later glover is holding them and giving them out while Colbert stays on the stage alone waving while the rest are giving them out and mingling with the crowd.
I don't know if Colbert went to hep after the break or whatever but I feel like this represents Colbert and the way I feel about him right now as compared to when he was on the daily show and on the report.
Feels like he's changed and completely sold out and is now beholden to big corporations and he's THE ESTABLISHMENT now, and of course to be part of it means you have to do your part for it and meet your obligations.. you don't get his exposure and pay check for too long if you piss off your boss/peers/advertisers etc. cable is different game than cbs..
Love glover, always keep it real bro, always keep searching and learning more about everything as you're doing. This of course includes morality
Kinda pressured him into buying all those damn cookies. He didn't volunteer to do it. And he was gonna say no to her. The staff should bought those damn cookies
I love you nigga
I love donald glover, but damn how much talent can one man have. Its awesome dont get me wrong.
I love donald glover, but damn how much talent can one man have. Its awesome dont get me wrong.
What a cutie! That was sweet.
ive noticed that videos that have a black person being interviewed have more dislikes… sad
Bruh no joke…I would have been crying if I saw Donald Glover/Childish Gambino
Donald has more forehead lines than gambino
Man the other girl scouts don't even have a chance.
Oh my god my heart, that was so great. Dude is so fucking cool.
If this man doesn't EGOT twice over before he dies then there's something deeply wrong with the world.
This guy is the real thing
oh boy do i love his smile
He is so scary when he did that face switch from Donald Glover to Childish Gambino.
He seems so shy.
Donald Glover is a two-bit racist hood rat Hollywood Bollywood dumb ass!
What A class act
He looked like damn this is a lot of white ppl
I hate forced moments, and of course the ending of this interview perturbed me a bit, but I understand what Colbert was aiming for, and I can understand why Glover went along with it, and the spirit behind their cooperation is more valuable to me than the organic nature of the interaction. Rather, it is more organic than selfishness and realism could ever be.
Awww how cute was that!!!
Stephen looks like that one pedophile in Law and order season 16
My heart oh m y g o d
Danny glovers son
this guy always take a smile from me, he's great example for an artist
He’s so sweet!
Samoas are BEST!!
I see the difference
Thindish Mintino
Redbone was started playing on Alexa while I was watch ing this