Dr Fauci says don’t go to these 3 places


Over the past year, Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has warned us not to go to specific places to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now that the pandemic has gone from bad to worse, and we are currently experiencing record levels of infections, hospitalizations and even death, protecting yourself and others has never been more crucial. So what places should be off-limits, as the potentially fatal virus continues to spread? Read on to find out – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss them. Sure Signs That You Have Had Coronavirus.

bar conversation

Fauci has said time and again that bars and nightclubs are the riskiest places for the spread of COVID, and other government officials agree. This is usually the first type of business to impose restrictions and temporary closures. “Close bars and keep schools open,” Fauci said ABC in November. “Let’s try to get the kids back, and try to mitigate the things that just maintain and push the kind of community spread that we’re trying to avoid. And these are the things you know well – the bars, the restaurants where you have indoor seating without masks. These are the things that make the community spread – not the schools, ”he said.

Group of people doing fitness in gym wearing mask, coronavirus concept

While exercise is an important part of overall health, Dr Fauci stressed the importance of staying away from shared training spaces during the pandemic. According to a September CDC Report7.8% of those who tested positive had been to the gym in the past two weeks, compared to 6.3% of those who tested negative. Why are your chances of getting infected higher in gyms and fitness studios? Fauci explained that when you exercise, you breathe harder and release respiratory droplets into the air. It is also possible that you can spread or contact the virus by touching contaminated gym equipment that has not been disinfected. Fauci himself chooses to exercise outdoors, jog, and wear a mask when other people are around.

waiter in a medical mask serves coffee

While Dr. Fauci is a huge fan of ordering take-out, he cautions that eating inside a restaurant is incredibly dangerous. “When you have restaurants indoors in a situation where you have a high degree of infection in the community, you don’t wear masks, that’s a problem,” Dr Fauci explained in a September statement. interview.

Woman traveling with an airplane with a mask for contagious disease

Speaking of places, avoid traveling. Dr Fauci says that although the planes are ventilated, you can catch COVID-19 from any place along the way, including the airport itself. Once travel becomes safer, you may need a vaccine before you travel, as part of a possible travel vaccination mandate. “Everything will be on the table for discussion,” said Fauci, who will be the chief medical adviser to President-elect Joe Biden, Told Newsweek.

RELATED: Dr Fauci just said we would get back to ‘normal’

woman adjusting fashionable textile face mask behind her ear.

As for you, follow Fauci’s fundamentals and help end this wave no matter where you live. mask, social distancing, avoid large crowds, do not go indoors with people you are not immune to (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, get vaccinated soon available to you, and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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