Drinking water associated with fewer sugary drinks – and calories – in children


The researchers analyzed data from 8,400 children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 collected between 2011 and 2016 as part of the National Health and Nutrition Survey, which is administered annually by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. control and prevention of diseases. Parents and children were asked to remember what the children had consumed in the previous 24 hours and the calories were added up.
One in five children and one in five young adults reported not drinking water the day before the survey. According to the study published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics, the absence of drinking water was associated with the average consumption of 93 extra calories per day and 4.5% of additional calories from soft drinks such as sodas, drinks for sports and fruit juices.

The number of additional calories consumed varied according to age, race and ethnicity. White children who did not drink water got 122 extra calories from sugary drinks, while Hispanic children consumed 61 extra calories and African American children 93 extra calories.

The research was not designed to determine the amount of water that would prevent children from drinking sugary drinks, but rather to find out if drinking water was having an effect, explained Professor Asher Rosinger. assistant at Pennsylvania State University and lead author of the new study.

Because of the design of the study, the research was unable to establish a clear cause of effect between drinking water and consuming fewer calories, it is an association, said Dr. Natalie Muth, pediatrician and practicing dietician in Carlsbad, California, who did not participate in the research.

"Children who drink water may have parents who limit sugary drinks and otherwise promote healthy eating.On or children who do not drink water may not have access to the water. safe water, "she added.

With the limitations in mind, Rosinger and his team point out that sugary drinks add empty calories to kids' diets and can increase risks of weight gain, obesity and diabetes.

"I talk all the time with my patients and their families about the health risks of sugary drinks and the benefit of drinking mostly water and milk," said Muth.

Groups of doctors are demanding taxes and regulations for children and # 39; access to sugary drinks
The American Heart Association recommends that the diet of children over 2 years of age be limited to 25 grams of added sugar a day and tells children not to drink more than a sweet drink of 8 ounces a week .
Despite the recommendations, a study conducted in 2017 found that nearly two-thirds of American children consumed at least one sugary drink each day and about 30% of them consumed at least two drinks a day.

"Sugary drinks are a staple of many children's diets.They are inexpensive, easy to find, highly marketed and have a sweet taste, so kids love them," said Muth.

The American Heart Association has recently joined the American Academy of Pediatrics to recommend policy changes for federal, regional and local legislators, encouraging them to implement policies to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks by children.

For parents seeking to encourage healthy habits, Muth recommends choosing water at 6 months of age, limiting access to sugary drinks, modeling drinking water and making it more fun. infusing it with fruit, mint or a drop of lime or lime.

"Children who do not drink water are more likely to get their fluids elsewhere," Muth said. "All it takes is about 70 extra calories a day so that a child can gain excess weight and run the risk of being overweight or obese."

Jacqueline Howard of CNN contributed to this report.


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