US judge postpones decision on whether he carries public charges against Assange – La República EC


Photograph of stock dated May 19, 2017, published January 11, 2018, showing the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, in front of the press at the Embbady of Ecuador in London, UK. EFE / Facundo Arrizabalaga

A judge from Virginia (USA) today adjourned his decision to determine whether the criminal charges filed by the Justice Department against the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, which in 2010 organized the filtering of thousands of clbadified documents.

At a hearing before the Virginia District Court in Alexandria, Magistrate Leonie M. Brinkema claimed that she needed additional information before solving the case.

The dispute began as a result of a court file in which the name of Assange and that it was published on November 15 by the Washington Post, a circumstance that the Committee of Rapporteurs on Freedom of the Press took advantage of to seek judicial notice that the charges are made public.

The US executive does not want it to be made public if there is a charge against Assange and argues that, as a general rule, the authorities do not publicly announce the offenses they intend to charge a defendant despite the risk of absconding.

According to local media, Assange He was also the subject of investigations by the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, which is investigating Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 elections and whether there is any kind of coordination between the Kremlin and the US President's campaign, Donald Trump.

In particular Mueller study if Wikileaks was coordinated with the team Trump filter some e-mails from Democratic leaders who ended up harming the rival candidate, Hillary Clinton.

The Guardian newspaper today published an article in which it is written that Assange he held secret meetings at the Embbady of Ecuador in London with Paul Manafort, former campaign manager Trump and that Mueller investigated this issue because of his relations with the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs.

Ecuador welcomed Assange at his embbady in London in 2012, when he was accused of badual badault in Sweden.

Although the case in Sweden has been filed, Assange He continued to be detained at the legation for fear that his departure would cause an extradition request from the United States. and his immediate arrest. EFE

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