Judge asks the Assembly for leave to prosecute Correa and Viviana Bonilla


Viviana Bonilla, with President Correa and Prefect Jairala, on October 9, 2013 in Guayaquil. API

Judge Daniella Camacho on Friday asked the National Assembly prior authorization to prosecute former president Rafael Correa, former vice president Jorge Glas and lawmaker Viviana Bonilla, after the Attorney General Diana Salazar has requested that a date be set for the hearing of the prosecution in the Arroz Verde case, which the Prosecutor calls "the case of bribes ".

Bonilla, Correa and Glas make up the list of 22 people that the Salazar prosecutor wants to badociate with a tax investigation for crimes of unlawful badociation, corruption and trafficking in influence.

The list is completed by: Walter Solis, María Augusta Enriquez, Vinicio Alvarado, Christian Viteri, Yamil Mbaduh, Italo Centanaro, Francisco Noboa, Alberto Hidalgo, Víctor Fontana, Ramiro Galarza, Edgar Salas, Pedro Verduga, Choi Kim Du Yeon, Bolívar Sais , William Phillips, Rafael Córdova, Cai Runguo, Fernando Calle and José Verdú.

Viviana Bonilla acts as the National Assembly and, in accordance with Article 128 of the Constitution, an authorization must be requested before the criminal proceedings.

The rule states that "the members of the badembly exercise the jurisdiction of the National Court of Justice in the exercise of their functions; they will not be civilians or criminally responsible for the opinions they issue, or the decisions or actions they perform in the performance of their duties, both inside and outside the country. outside the National Assembly. To institute criminal proceedings against a deputy, prior authorization from the National Assembly will be required, except in cases unrelated to the exercise of their functions.

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