At least 11 dead and more than 120 injured after earthquake in central China


At least 11 people died and 122 others were injured after the magnitude 6.0 earthquake that occurred in the central province of China Sichuan, informs the state agency today Xinhua.

The earthquake occurred last night at 22:55 (14:55 GMT) in the Yibin municipality, and its epicenter was located at a depth of 16 kilometers.

This morning at 07:34 local time (23:34 GMT yesterday), another seismic movement was recorded in the same area, this time at 5.3 degrees, according to the National Earthquake Detection Center.

The Ministry of Emergency Management has activated the protocols and sent teams to the affected areas to coordinate relief operations – which are still ongoing after the early morning – and badistance to residents of Changning County where they took place. the catastrophe.

5,000 stores, 10,000 folding beds and 20,000 duvets were sent to the affected areas.

The earthquake also caused a highway in the area and sections of other roads were closed.

The Sichuan region is a region prone to earthquakes and where thousands of people have died from earthquakes in the past decade.

In fact, this province experienced in 2008 one of the worst earthquakes in recent decades, with nearly 90,000 victims among the dead and missing.

The western half of China is subject to frequent tremor due to friction of Asian and Indian tectonic plates, although in many cases these earthquakes have their epicenter in areas of low population density, such as the Tibetan Plateau or deserts of Central Asia. EFE

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