Prosecutor urges Telconet to seize a waiter hired by Ola Bini – La República EC


The Attorney General's office raided the offices of Telconet in northern Quito on Friday afternoon as part of the tax investigation against Swedish programmer Ola Bini. having opened an investigation into alleged crime of integrity of computer systems, after Interior Minister María Paula Romo denounced alleged plot to destabilize Lenin's government Moreno.

The purpose of the search was to find a server contracted from Telconet by Ola Bini, as of April 2, 2015, and housed on the premises of this company, which was paid about $ 5,000 a month. According to the public prosecutor, Telconet provided a physical space and an adequate environment for the operation of the server, in addition to the service of a link allowing the sending of data from the teleconet data center server to the Internet.

The contract signed by Ola Bini with Telconet is fully written in Spanish and, before leaving for Japan, he left an important special power dated April 10, 2019 (one day before his arrest) that allowed to remove the server from this company .

The server has been entered. The teams have entered the chain of custody at the Laboratory of Forensic Science and Forensic Science, where the corresponding skills will be exercised.

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