The Assembly rejects the motion of censure against the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Espinosa – La República CE


Photo courtesy of the United Nations (UN), where the new President of the UN General Assembly, Maria Fernanda Espinosa, speaks at the thirty-third International Prayer Breakfast that is held is held this Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at the headquarters of the organization. in New York (USA). Espinosa today asked leaders of the world to come to the United Nations ready to listen. EFE / Kim Haughton / UN /

The Ecuadorian Parliament rejected Wednesday a motion of censure against the former Chancellor María Fernanda Espinosa, current president of the UN General Assembly, of course "violation of duties" in the handling of business such as Julian Assange and the badbadination of the journalists of the newspaper El Comercio.

With 87 votes against, 2 for and 36 abstentions, out of the 125 present at the plenary session, Parliament rejected the motion proposed by legislator Cristina Reyes of the Conservative Christian Social Party (PSC) and Fernando Flores of the Movement. I believe (center right).

The motion required approval of the affirmative vote of at least 91 lawmakers.

In the so-called political trial – the figure of parliamentary censorship in Ecuador – proposed against Espinosa, sixteen legislators from various parliamentary groups intervened.

The petition also implied a request to the prosecutor's office and the comptroller's office (the state treasury) to open an investigation into Espinosa for the cases presented by the petitioners.

This process was based on a report from the Legislative Oversight Committee, which recommended engaging in political prosecution against the former staff member.

The allegations against Espinosa included the granting of Ecuadorian nationality, apparently improperly, to Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, arrested on April 11 after the withdrawal of the asylum, under which he was remained at the Ecuadorian Embbady in London from 2012

Also for the supposed "lack of support" of the journalistic team of the Quito newspaper "El Comercio", whose members were kidnapped and then murdered in April 2018 by FARC dissidents, on the border with Colombia, and lack of help for migrants. Ecuadorians in Venezuela.

Espinosa, who is out of the country, appeared before the plenary session of Parliament by videoconference in which he denied the charges and said that the report against him was fraught with inconsistencies.

He badured that his administration as Chancellor, between May 2017 and June 2018, was linked to national and international laws and emphasized that at that time security relations with the Colombian government were strengthened.

He also defended the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was permanently accompanying his work to meet the demands of Ecuadorians residing in Venezuela and pointed out that, in the case of Assange, his status as a person with special needs international protection was respected. EFE

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