Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity: Contortioning Giants


Galaxy LRG-3-817

Credit: ESA / Hubble and NASA, S. Allam et al.

This NASA/THIS The Hubble Space Telescope the image shows the galaxy LRG-3-817, also known as SDSS J090122.37 + 181432.3. The galaxy, whose image is distorted by the effects of the gravitational lens, appears as a long arc to the left of the central cluster of galaxies.

Gravitational lensing occurs when a large distribution of matter, such as a cluster of galaxies, is between Earth and a distant light source. As space is distorted by massive objects, the light from the distant object bends as it travels towards us and we see a distorted image of it. This effect was first predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

Strong gravitational lenses provide an opportunity to study the properties of distant galaxies, as Hubble can resolve the details in the multiple arcs which are one of the main results of the gravitational lens. An important consequence of lens distortion is magnification, which allows us to observe objects that would otherwise be too far away and too faint to be seen. Hubble uses this magnification effect to study objects beyond the sensitivity of its primary mirror 2.4 meters in diameter, showing us the most distant galaxies humanity has ever encountered.

This lensed galaxy was found as part of the Sloan Bright Arcs investigation, which uncovered some of the brightest gravitational lenses.[1] high redshift[2] galaxies in the night sky.

  1. A gravitational lens is a distribution of matter (such as a cluster of galaxies) between a distant light source and an observer, which is able to bend the light from the source as the light travels towards the observer. This effect is known as the gravitational lens, and the amount of bending is one of the predictions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
  2. In physics, redshift is a phenomenon where electromagnetic radiation (like light) from an object experiences an increase in wavelength. Whether the radiation is visible or not, “redshift” means an increase in wavelength, equivalent to a decrease in wave frequency and photon energy, in accordance, respectively, with wave and quantum theories of light.


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