Elon Musk criticizes Apple for ‘walled garden’ app store and use of cobalt in batteries


Tesla today announced its results for the second quarter of 2021, as detailed by our colleagues at Electrek. During the earnings conference call this afternoon, Tesla CEO Elon Musk slammed Apple, criticizing the company for its App Store policy as well as its use of cobalt in iPhone and Mac batteries. .

During the call for results, Musk was asked about Tesla’s plans to open up its coveted supercharging network to third parties. The CEO of Tesla explained that the aim of the company is not to create a “walled garden” but rather to “support the advent of sustainable energy”. Musk hid his criticism of Apple behind a “cough.”

“I think we want to stress that our goal is to support the advent of sustainable energy. It’s not about creating a walled garden and using it to bludgeon our competitors, which is used by some companies. “

Musk then faked a cough and mumbled “Apple”.

Musk was also asked about Tesla’s supply chain during the call, again leading him to bring up Apple, as noted. CNBC. Musk explained that while Apple’s battery usage is 100% cobalt, Tesla’s is much lower:

“Apple uses, I think, almost 100% cobalt in its batteries, cellphones and laptops, but Tesla does not use cobalt in iron-phosphate packs, and almost none in nickel-based chemicals. “Musk said. “On a weighted average basis, we could use 2% cobalt versus, say, Apple’s 100% cobalt. Either way, it’s really not a factor.

Apple has been the subject of criticism and questioning for its use of cobalt in the past. In 2019, a report accused Apple of “aiding and abetting” forced child labor in cobalt mines. Apple responded to the report by saying that all cobalt refiners in its supply chain participate in third-party audits and that it removes those that fail or refuse.

Apple’s longer-term goal is to completely eliminate the need for mining, using only recycled materials. Experts say this is a hugely ambitious goal that won’t be achievable anytime soon.

Musk’s criticism comes as Apple continues to move forward with plans to build an electric car. A recent report said Apple hired a former BMW executive who led the development of the company’s i3 and i8 electric and hybrid cars. Apple has also hired a number of Tesla employees over the years, which led Musk at one point to refer to Apple as the “Tesla Graveyard.”

Musk also noted that he tried to sell Tesla to Apple during the “darker days” of the Model 3 build, but Tim Cook did not respond to his email.

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