Executives Report 888 New COVID-19 Cases, No New Deaths


SAINT ANTHONY – The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District reported 80,057 total cases of COVID-19 and 1,357 total deaths in Bexar County, an increase of 888 new cases on Sunday. No new deaths have been reported.

The total number of cases also includes a backlog of 758 cases, according to health officials. The total number of deaths includes a backlog of 13 deaths, ranging from July 8 to November 10.

Health officials also reported that 582 patients are hospitalized, 178 are in the intensive care unit and 96 are on ventilators. There are 15% staffed beds and 67% fans available.

A curfew for San Antonio is still in effect, from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., which will last until Monday, November 30.

People will not be allowed to gather outside their homes during the enforced curfew, except when they are looking for goods or services from a business.

Restaurants will also have to close for food services at 10 p.m.

Click here to learn more about the curfew.


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