Facebook to tag all coronavirus vaccine posts with ‘official information’


Social media giant Facebook has announced that it will soon tag all articles dealing with the coronavirus vaccination with links to official information on COVID-19 from organizations such as the World Health Organization.

TechCrunch reports that Facebook has announced its intention to tag all articles dealing with the coronavirus vaccination with links to official information on the virus. In a blog post, the company said:

We have already connected more than 2 billion people to authoritative information on COVID-19, and today, as access to COVID-19 vaccines grows, we are going even further and aiming to help 50 million of people to be vaccinated.

We do this by helping people learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and when and where they can get one through our apps. Here are some of the ways we do it:

  • A tool to connect people to information on where and when to get the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Expansion of our COVID-19 information center to Instagram
  • Expansion of official WhatsApp chatbots on COVID-19 for people to be registered for vaccinations with health authorities and governments
  • Added labels on COVID-19 vaccine articles to display additional information from the World Health Organization
  • Make real-time global trends of COVID-19 vaccinations, intention to get vaccinated and reasons for reluctance available to officials to inform fair deployment of vaccines

By working closely with national and global health authorities and using our ladder to reach people quickly, we are doing our part to help people get credible information, get vaccinated, and regroup safely.

Facebook will also implement “temporary” measures to limit the spread of vaccine-related misinformation, saying it is reducing the distribution of content from users who it says violate the site’s policies on COVID-19 and vaccine information.

Facebook will also reduce the distribution of any COVID-19 or vaccine content that fact-checking partners have called “missing context.”

Facebook also plans to “further enhance information from authoritative sources when people search for information on COVID-19 or vaccines.”

Learn more about Facebook’s plans to crack down on coronavirus misinformation at TechCrunch here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News and covers issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on twitter @LucasNolan or contact by secure email at [email protected]


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