Family blames unvaccinated people in woman’s obituary ::


– The family of a woman who recently died of COVID-19 wrote in their obituary that they blamed the unvaccinated.

Candace Ayers tested positive for COVID-19 on July 28. After a tough battle with the virus inside and outside the hospital, she died on September 3, less than two months after learning she had contracted it.

Her family is still dealing with her loss.

“I am extremely angry,” said her son, Marc Ayers. “I’m depressed. I’m still sad about it. I’m shocked it even happened.”

Marc Ayers and the rest of the family call those who are not vaccinated in Candance’s obituary, who states: “She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. The cost has been his life. “

“What we’re trying to do with this statement is let it be known that there are a few things that can be done to prevent what has happened to our family,” Marc said. “I think getting the shot for one of them is the most important thing that can be done.”

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The Sangamon County Public Health Department reports that only five people have died from COVID-19 after being vaccinated. One of the county’s COVID-19 advisers says it’s rare to die from the virus once you’re protected.

“It’s extremely low,” said Dr. Donald Graham. “It’s so low that it’s hard to give a percentage. It would be less than one percent.”

Graham added that the highly contagious virus can be transmitted by anyone, despite their vaccine status.

“I will say that you are much more likely to spread it if you haven’t received the vaccine, but you can spread it if you have received the vaccine,” he said.


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