Fast food and no exercise linked to irreversible dementia, study warns


Eating the equivalent of a fast-food burger a day can cause irreversible dementia, warns a study

  • Study finds close links between fast food and irreversible dementia
  • Professor Nicolas Cherbuin said: "People are eating away at their brains"
  • The average person today eats 650 calories a day compared to the 1970s
  • He said that eating well and staying active from an early age reduces the risks

Eating fast foods can cause irreversible dementia, warns a study.

Research has found that an average person eats 650 more calories per day compared to the 1970s, equivalent to a burger, a soft drink and fries.

Professor Nicolas Cherbuin of the Australian National University and his team have highlighted a great deal of evidence linking poor eating habits with reduced physical activity and a decline in brain function, such as dementia and dementia. narrowing of the brain.

"People eat up their brains with a very bad fast food diet and little or no exercise," says Professor Cherbuin.

According to a study, fast-food consumption has been associated with irreversible dementia. Nicolas Cherbuin, professor at the Australian National University, said:

According to a study, fast-food consumption has been associated with irreversible dementia. Nicolas Cherbuin, a professor at the Australian National University, said: "People are eating away at their brains with a really bad fast food diet and practically non-existent exercise" (stock image)

"Many people with dementia and other signs of cognitive dysfunction, including a narrowing of the brain, increased their risk all their lives by eating too much bad food and not doing enough exercise" , did he declare.

Professor Cherbuin explained that the best chance of preventing brain problems in the future, such as dementia and narrowing of the brain, is to eat well and stay active from an early age.

He said: "The damage is almost irreversible once we reach middle age, so we encourage everyone to eat healthy and get in shape as soon as possible – preferably during childhood. but certainly from the beginning of adulthood.

Professor Cherbuin said their research not only links type 2 diabetes to the rapid deterioration of brain function, but also shows a clear association between brain damage and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

He said: "As a society, we have to stop asking," do you want fries with that? "

"The message is simple, but bringing positive change will be a big challenge. Individuals, parents, health professionals and governments all have an important role to play. & # 39;

Professor Cherbuin said: "The damage done is almost irreversible as soon as a person reaches quarantine. We encourage everyone to eat healthy and get in shape as soon as possible - preferably during childhood, but certainly before adulthood (image in stock)

Professor Cherbuin said: "The damage done is almost irreversible as soon as a person reaches quarantine. We encourage everyone to eat healthy and get in shape as soon as possible – preferably during childhood, but certainly before adulthood (image in stock)

The research analyzed the results of 200 studies, including the PATH (Through the Life) project, personality and total health, which followed the brain's health and the aging of 7,000 people.

He also revealed that 30% of the global adult population is overweight or obese.

More than 10% of all adults will suffer from type 2 diabetes by 2030.


Dementia is a generic term used to describe a range of progressive neurological disorders, that is, disorders affecting the brain.

There are many types of dementia, among which Alzheimer's disease is the most common.

Some people may have a combination of types of dementia.

Regardless of the type diagnosed, each person will experience his dementia in his own way.

Dementia is a global concern, but it is most often found in the richest countries, where people are likely to live very old.


The Alzheimer Society reports that more than 850,000 people in the UK have dementia, of which more than 500,000 have Alzheimer's disease.

It is estimated that the number of people with dementia in the UK will reach more than one million by 2025.

In the United States, an estimated 5.5 million people with Alzheimer's disease. A similar increase is expected in the coming years.

As a person's age increases, the risk of developing dementia also increases.

Diagnosis rates are improving but it is thought that many people with dementia are still undiagnosed.


There is currently no cure for dementia.

But new drugs can slow down its progression and the sooner it is detected, the more effective the treatments.

Source: Dementia UK



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