More adults looking for support for their alcoholic parents


Family photo of Amelia and her father

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Amelia Carr with her father whose alcoholism became particularly severe at the age of five

The number of adults seeking help to deal with an alcoholic parent has tripled in five years, according to a leading charity.

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics received more than 23,000 calls or messages last year over 18, up from 6,400 in 2013.

Experts say more funding to support families and friends would help more people with alcoholic parents.

The Ministry of Health said it was investing 6 million pounds to tackle the problem.

& # 39; My father homeless & # 39;

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Amelia's father continues to drink until his death two years ago

Amelia and Joe Carr of Newcastle grew up with an alcoholic father.

His alcohol consumption became very serious when Joe was 13 years old and Amelia five years old. This continued until his death two years ago. Toward the end of his life, he slept in the street.

"That was what I dreaded seeing, my own homeless father on the street," says Joe.

"I found him drunk, as he always was, and dirty, sitting in a door with a bottle.When I saw the state in which it was, all my anger evaporated and was replaced by pity. "

Children whose parents drink too much are four times more likely to become dependent drinkers themselves.

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Joe and Amelia now

Joe developed a problem with alcohol as an adult, but he completely gave up when he became a father. However, his ability to quit smoking has led to a new, very painful thought.

"I can not help but think that if I could do this for my kids, why could not he?" he says.

Joe remembers happy times before his father's alcohol problems begin. But Amelia, eight years her junior, remembers only her father drinking. When he died, she said in a certain way that she felt relieved.

"Everyone around me was grieving for the man that he was," she said, "but I just could not do that – I felt so guilty and confused."

According to Addaction, a charity dedicated to drugs and alcohol, about one in three seniors with alcohol problems reach it first of all later in life.

A spokesman told 5 Live Investigates that he would like to benefit from increased support and ease of access to services for people over 50 with problems of alcohol abuse.

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Legend of the mediaAuthor Kate Tojeiro on life with an alcoholic father

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) supports those who have lived a childhood with their parents' alcohol problems. They also offer help to people whose parenting issues have emerged later.

Stephanie Page, head of the association's helpline, said, "Feelings of guilt are born of anger and resentment toward their parents, but they still love them, so they feel guilty to feel that way. "

She also said that people whose parents started drinking later tend to face different challenges.

"The parent may have retired and is alone, he may have had problems adjusting to retirement.The adult child of the alcoholic often finds it very difficult because they do not had never seen before and may not know what to do.

"It can be really surreal to see this side of your parent."

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs said that it could be "extremely detrimental for a young person to grow up with an alcoholic parent and cause damage for life".

"We are investing £ 6m to support children of dependent parents and services, including alcohol treatment and mental health services, are available for those who suffer the consequences of alcohol abuse. by their parents in adulthood. "

The spokesman said that every person admitted to the hospital with signs of alcohol dependence in the 25% of the most affected areas of the country would be offered a "targeted help to stop".

You can hear 5 Live Investigates at 11:00 GMT on Sunday, March 31 and on BBC Sounds.


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