First thing: signs that the Gulf Stream is in danger of collapsing | US News



Climatologists have detected warning signs suggesting the Gulf Stream could collapse, one of the planet’s main potential tipping points in the climate crisis.

Researchers have found “an almost complete loss of stability over the past century” of the currents, which are already at their slowest point in at least 1,600 years, but the new analysis shows they could be on the verge of collapse. stop.

“The already visible signs of destabilization are something I never expected and find frightening,” said Niklas Boers, of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, who carried out the research. “It’s something you can’t [allow to] to arrive.”

Such an event would have catastrophic consequences all over the world, and:

  • Seriously disturb the rains on which billions of people depend for food in India, South America and West Africa.

  • Increasedth thunderstorms and lower temperatures in Europe, and push down to sea level in eastern North America.

  • No more danger the Amazon rainforest and the Antarctic ice caps.

Apple plans to scan U.S. iPhones for images of child sexual abuse

Apple has unveiled controversial plans to scan iPhones in the United States for images of child sexual abuse, using a tool called neuralMatch that will analyze the images before they are uploaded to iCloud.

The plan garnered praise from child protection groups, but raised concerns that the system could be misused, including by governments seeking to spy on their citizens.

Dixie fire leaves much of California town of Greenville in ashes

Homes and cars destroyed by the Dixie fire in central Greenville
Homes and cars destroyed by the Dixie fire in central Greenville on Thursday. Photograph: Noah Berger / AP

The rapid Dixie fire reached the northern California town of Greenville on Wednesday evening, devastating much of its downtown area, including a gas station, hotel and bar.

The quiet, close-knit town of Sierra Nevada, which was partially destroyed by fire in 1881, dates back to the days of the California Gold Rush and has buildings over a century old.

  • The three-week-old Dixie Fire, the state’s largest wildfire this year, charred over 500 square miles (1,300 square km) and burndozens of homes, with 5,000 firefighters fighting the blaze.

Biden sets goal for 50% of new U.S. vehicles to be electric by 2030

President Joe Biden speaks to reporters in front of a hybrid Jeep
Joe Biden speaks to reporters in front of a hybrid Jeep at a White House event promoting America’s clean cars and trucks. Photograph: Michael Brochstein / Sopa Images / Rex / Shutterstock

Joe Biden is working to reduce vehicle emissions and has set a goal that half of all new vehicle sales in the United States will be electric by 2030, while raising pollution standards for cars and trucks, in an effort to reduce the largest source of heating on the planet. gas in the United States.

At the White House with automakers and unions on Thursday, Biden said the future of the auto industry was “electric and there was no turning back.” He was on the verge of signing an executive order requiring that 50% of all new cars and trucks sold by the end of the decade be powered by electric batteries.

In other news …

A CNN logo outside its Atlanta headquarters
CNN has fired three employees for violating its policy that employees must be vaccinated against Covid-19. Photograph: Rick Feld / AP
  • CNN fired three employees who violated company policy by coming to work unvaccinated against Covid-19. “Let’s be clear: we have a zero tolerance policy on this,” wrote Jeff Zucker, president of the media company, in a memo.

  • Eight people died and thousands had to evacuate their homes in southern Europe as extreme forest fires continue to rage in the region.

  • Superstar Lionel Messi is leaving FC Barcelona after “financial and structural obstacles” made it impossible to renew his contract, the club said on Thursday. The forward, who has spent his entire career there, was due to re-sign after his contract expired in June.

  • Virgin Galactic announced it will open spaceflight ticket sales on Thursday from $ 450,000 a seat, weeks after the company’s billionaire founder Richard Branson zoomed to the edge of space.

Statistics of the day: US has worst healthcare among 11 richest countries despite spending the most

The United States came last in the health systems rankings of 11 of the richest countries in the world, although it spends 17% of its gross domestic product on health, “well above” the other 10 countries, according to a new report.

Don’t miss: is your sunscreen killing the sea?

People apply sunscreen as they take advantage of the hot weather on the beach at Mooney's Bay in Ottawa in June
People apply sunscreen as they take advantage of the warm weather on the beach at Mooney’s Bay in Ottawa in June. Photograph: Canadian Press / Rex / Shutterstock

Every year, up to 14,000 tonnes of sunscreen ends up in areas of coral reefs, but scientists are divided over how best to protect our skin without harming the environment, reports Emine Saner.

Climate review: Facebook did not dispute climate misinformation from the fossil fuel industry

Facebook failed to enforce its own rules to curb an oil and gas industry disinformation campaign on the climate crisis during last year’s presidential election, according to an analysis released Thursday.

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Last Thing: The future Republican mayor of New York, cat lover and wearing a beret

Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels and Republican candidate for mayor of New York, at home with three of the 15 cats
Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels and Republican candidate for mayor of New York, at home with three of the 15 cats. Photograph: Ali Smith / The Guardian

Curtis Sliwa, 67, is running against Eric Adams in the November municipal election in the most populous city in the United States. The attention-loving founder of the Guardian Angels neighborhood protection group, who was shot and killed six times in the 1990s after exposing a powerful New York crime family, can he turn the tide? Adam Gabbat reports.

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