For Sean Spicer, the revolving door led to a dance routine in a lime green shirt


Mr. Spicer, who said he was still making paid speeches and that he recently bought a summer residence in Newport, R.I, said he really did not have the money for the price. "I have two very good companies right now, on the political side and on the consulting side," he said. "My partners have been very supportive to take over."

Over the last two years, Mr. Spicer has expressed his regret for having barked lies about the size of Trump's opening crowd in front of the press, and attempted to embrace the indelible yet indelible caricature of Saturday Night Live "from him by appearing to the Emmys on a rolling podium with some erasing jokes in his hand.

But he also rivaled Trump, never breaking with him in a way that compromised the president's future support, nor his own future in a party still defined by his loyalty to Trump. In his book "The Briefing", Mr. Spicer describes Mr. Trump as a "rock star" and a "unicorn".

He made a special appearance at Madame Tussauds wax museum to unveil a statue of the first lady, Melania Trump. Mr. Trump returned the favor by introducing Mr. Spicer's dance debut. "I just learned that Sean Spicer will be on" Dancing with the Stars, "Trump said on Twitter last month. "He will do very well. A wonderful person who loves our country a lot!

Mr. Spicer also relies on the support of the President to continue appearing in the series. According to a person familiar with the plans, Trump should return to Twitter with his support before ABC's vote next week, which will decide whether Mr. Spicer moves on to another round. Mr. Spicer's salary, which would have been $ 125,000, is increasing every week he is able to hang on.

"It is clear that the judges will not be with me," Spicer tweeted Tuesday after Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, backed him online. "Send a message to #Hollywood so that those of us who support #Christ are not excluded." The tweet did not land with the grace of a pirouette.

"Imagine traveling back in time in 2009, in the midst of fierce battles over rescue, spending, taxation, Obamacare and the role of government in our lives, and that the Republican Party of 2019 looks like to this, "said Tim Alberta, author of" The American Carnage: On the Frontlines of the Republican Civil War and the rise of President Trump, "responded on Twitter.


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