22 countries, including Canada, recall drug for potentially carcinogenic hypertension


Health Canada has ordered the removal of a drug commonly used to treat high blood pressure because it is concerned that an impurity found in the drugs may cause cancer with prolonged exposure. The recall involves several drugs containing the valsartan ingredient, Health Canada announced.

Drugs Produced With Valsartan Are Used To Treat Patients With High Blood Pressure To Prevent Heart Attacks And Stroke

An Impurity, N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) ] was found in the Valsartan used in these products, according to the federal agency. Valsartan is an ingredient in several medicines for heart and high blood pressure. The withdrawal is for specific products supplied by a Chinese company that may contain a possible carcinogen.

What you should do:

  • Keep taking your medicine if it contains Valsartan unless your doctor or pharmacist did not tell you to stop
  • If you are taking a medicine containing valsartan, talk to your pharmacist who can tell you if your medicine is being recalled.
  • If you used a drug product by recall, contact your health care provider as soon as possible to discuss treatment options
  • If you are taking a clinical trial with a product containing valsartan and you have questions, talk to the doctor who is treating you during the test
  • Report adverse reactions (adverse effects) of health products to Health Canada by calling toll-free 1-866-234-2345 or reporting them online. mail or fax
  • Submit health product complaints to Health Canada toll free at 1-800-267-9675, or complete online complaint form

El valsartan cont it is question was provided by the company Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals . The NDMA impurity is a potential human carcinogen, which means that it may cause cancer with long-term exposure.

Health Canada indicates that patients taking the drug should check with their pharmacist for see if their medications need to be changed.

But the agency also said anyone taking a drug containing valsartan should continue to take it unless their doctor or pharmacist tells them to.

Mina Tadrous, of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Pharmacy, told the CBC's public broadcaster that valsartan is a commonly used medication for people with high blood pressure. And by announcing the recall, Health Canada is "extremely cautious because there has been some sort of negative result in the lab.

"Do not stop taking this medication suddenly, especially if it is good for you. Check with your pharmacist, see if your lot is even in reminder, and if it is, they will switch to a different lot. Mina Tradous

  valsartan  is a molecule used as an oral drug, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist.  Source: Wikipedia 

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