25% of new AIDS cases are from foreign nationalities


The cases of AIDS (HIV virus) recorded
The cases of AIDS (HIV virus) recorded

As part of the preparation of the "International AIDS Day", we learn that fifty-eight (58) new cases of AIDS were recorded during the first half of 2018. These new HIV-positive cases are of different ages and not Algerians, since 14 registered cases are of foreign nationalities. This represents about 25% of cases.

Ms. Bourkiche Zekagh Nadia, Head of Department of Health Activities and Pharmaceuticals at the Directorate of Health indicated that "58 new cases of HIV-positive people of different ages, including 14 cases of foreign nationalities were registered during the first half of 2018, against 82 cases identified during the same period last year.

According to the same official: "the majority of patients are treated at the level of infectious disease services: services with different pharmaceuticals and supervised by specialized medical and paramedical personnel".

"During the current year of 2018, more than 5,000 people voluntarily went to the three reference centers, open at the level of the wilaya of Algiers, intended for the care of HIV-positive, in order to carry out the necessary badyzes. for the detection of this disease, "she said.

A disease considered a taboo:

In addition to the late detection of this disease, still considered a taboo in society, Dr. Bourkiche said that keeping the disease secret, especially among homobaduals and drug addicts, poses real problems for doctors to care for. of these patients.

In addition, the person in charge emphasized the free health services, including antiviral drugs and care, for the benefit of all HIV-positive people, without any distinction between Algerian or foreign citizens, and this within the framework of the program of the national strategic plan against AIDS (2016-2020).

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