70% of artificial UV enthusiasts mistakenly think of "getting ready" for sun exposure


Users of UV booths are increasingly thinking that " UV before the holidays can prepare the skin to protect against sunburn ", according to a report Public Health Agency France and the National Cancer Institute (Inca). A false belief that is gaining ground despite a greater fear of cancer and the feeling of being informed about the risks of cancers related to artificial UV.

CANCERS. If tanning in the cabin, which emits only UVA, can certainly look good, it can also kill. Thus, in France, a study has shown that 5% of melanomas, the most serious of skin cancers, are related to this practice. That is 100 to 350 new cases of melanoma each year and 19 to 76 deaths

70% of users think " to prepare " in the sun, 22.5% estimate artificial UV less harmful

No, artificial UV does not prepare the skin to better receive the sun. Yet, this mistaken belief has been on the rise since 2010, when people who took UV in the last twelve months were 55.7% to join such an badertion against 69.8% in 2015! Strangely, users of UV cabins still consider themselves well informed at 71% in 2015, 10 points higher than in 2010 (61.7%). Another misconception, users of artificial UV are 22.5% to say wrongly that UV tanning booth are less harmful than the sun. However, "the UV devices deliver, according to the regulations in force, UV radiation intensities equivalent to an index 11 12 (out of a maximum of 12) according to the international UV index ", explains the report. An intensity described as " extreme ", corresponding " to an exhibition of the same duration in the midday sun in the tropics ". An exhibition wrongly perceived as secure because it " does not involve sunburn or heat sensation ". Artificial UV enthusiasts are also far less attentive in terms of sun safety, since they intensify their exposure by stating that they are less in the shade. " These two exposures are added, increasing all the risks for these people ," deplore Public Health France and the Inca.

ADDICTION . " It has been shown that regular users of UV cabins develop symptoms of addiction and have difficulty controlling their use, leading to a compulsive tanning ", explain the authors of the report. According to the World Health Organization, " biochemical mechanisms " would be at stake, but also a possible "psychological dependence". Thus, many tanning booths report a sensation of " relaxation and mood enhancement " as sources of motivation.

Mandatory information " absent "and mentions" which suggest "to a benefit for health

" The regulation of tanning booths is strict and was strengthened in 2013 and 2016 on certain prohibitions, including those to refer to a health benefit effect in any communication to the public ", according to the report. However, the 2016 survey of the DGCCRF (repression of fraud), found a " level of information provided to users still too insufficient in terms of the health risks badociated with the use of such devices ". Thus, the mandatory warnings or information notices were " rarely displayed, or even not held by the operator him even ". " Similarly, the mentions on the risks related to the use of these machines (health risks, maximum durations of use, photosensitizing effects of certain drugs or cosmetic products) were not very legible, except absent, or on the contrary suggest that exposure to UV emitted by a tanning device would have a beneficial effect on health, which is formally prohibited ", are indignant the authors of the report, for whom" [19459003thequestionoftheprohibitionofsuchdevicescanberested ".

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