no, there is no standard size of the vulva


Is there a normal female? The answer is no, as confirmed by a study conducted by Swiss researchers. They studied the bads of several hundred women. The size of the outer and inner lips varies greatly between the different participants. Their results were published on the site of National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Rebadure patients and inform physicians

Researchers at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital conducted this study on 657 women aged 15 to 84 years. The size of the outer lips varies from 12 to 180 millimeters and the badl opening from 6 to 75 millimeters. This study should rebadure many women about the appearance of their bad tract.

Physicians may also have this data as a reference to enlighten their patients. However, this research only concerns Caucasian women, had it spread to other continents, the "standard" data would surely have been wider.

A surgery that became "trendy"

The appearance of labia minora can be a real complex for some women. Between 2015 and 2016, the number of women who used cosmetic surgery to change the shape and size of their lips increased by 39%, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This surgery, called labiaplasty or nymphoplasty, has a real medical interest. It reduces the suffering of some women, hampered by the excessive size of the labia minora. This can be disabling because of friction with clothes, during sports or during the badual act.

In reality, the appearance of the vulva is a source of anxiety for many people. In 2016, a survey conducted in Australia showed that 97% of doctors have already received a patient who was worried about the normalcy of her vulva. Some doctors are worried about the influence of badgraphic images on women's perception of their anatomy.

For Dr. Gabor Varadin, a plastic surgeon in Geneva, Switzerland, the choice of surgery is not related to a simple physical complex: " Patients are generally determined. above all for them, rarely for their spouses or because they would like to emulate their models in magazines or movies. " In 2016, 3,905 women reportedly resorted to this practice in France after Liberation.

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