Gentlemen, to improve the quality of your sperm, eat nuts and nuts!


Spanish researchers conducted a rather surprising study at first glance when one becomes acquainted with the subject. However, the conclusion is very serious and eating nuts boosts the quality of sperm. Get off to a flying start!

Is this research that could give ideas to some couples who want to increase their chances of having a child? Be that as it may, the study conducted by researchers at Rovira i Virgili University in Reus (Spain) and reported on July 4, 2018 by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology is more than serious.

Spanish researchers brought together 119 male volunteers aged 18 to 35 who were judged to be in good health. The latter have been separated into two groups, the first being the one adopting a traditional diet without nuts and the second an identical diet, but accompanied by these same nuts. Members of the second group were allowed to supplement their meals with 60 grams per day of a mixture of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

According to the results, the sperm of the members of the second group was of better quality than that of the other participants, and this after 14 weeks of diet. The leaders of the study reported an improvement of 16% in sperm count, 6% in terms of mobility, 4% in terms of vitality and 1% in their morphology.

The lead investigator, Albert Salas-Huetos, said that these four parameters were indicative of good male fertility, but it was still a bit early to make these findings a recommendation to couples wishing to have a better chance of having a happy event. Indeed, the biologist felt that the results of this one study alone were not enough, but that the evidence was accumulating with respect to previous badumptions that a healthier life could help the design.

Sources: Science Daily – Science and the Future – 20 minutes

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