How to choose your sunscreen?


Published on Saturday, July 07, 2018 at 11:03 by .

Decryption. Protection factor, water resistance, time of
conservation … What you need to know about the indications on the

Skin cancer, cataracts, skin aging … To minimize these risks, the health authorities first recommend avoiding exposure to the sun during the hottest hours (between noon and 4 pm) or still wear covering clothes. The use of sunscreen is recommended but should not substitute for this advice

What protection factor?

This factor (SPF) indicates the effectiveness of protection against UVB. The choice of the protection factor is based on the type of skin and the conditions of exposure.

At the beach, for example, fair-skinned subjects are encouraged to favor products with a very high level of protection (SPF 50 or higher).

UVA station

Use products marked "UVA" on the packaging. We now know that this type of radiation is responsible for the premature aging of the skin. Products claiming efficacy in this respect are required to have a level of protection against UVA at least equal to one third of that indicated against UVB.

Preservation after opening

A sunscreen used last year can she again serve this summer? To find out, refer to the symbol showing an open jar with a number and the letter M. This number indicates the number of months that the cream can be used after opening.

Water resistance

Many products boast of being water resistant. Attention, this claim means that the cream remains effective during swimming but not that it is still after. The presence of this mention does not therefore dispense with spreading again out of the water.

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