Ajaccio: mosquito control operations following a suspected tropical virus case


Between Thursday evening and Friday morning mosquito control operations will be organized in some neighborhoods of Ajaccio. This decision follows a suspected case of chikungunya / dengue / Zika in southern Corsica.

Even if this case is not proven, " in view of the presence in Corsica of the vector mosquito Aedes Albopictus, and to avoid the possibility of a local chain of transmission the ARS has mandated, As a precaution, the service of mosquito control of the Community of Corsica ", indicates the city of Ajaccio in a statement. The areas concerned are:

• Avenue Noël Franchini, Thursday, July 12, at 9 pm for a period of about 15 minutes.
• Place Foch (central market): tomorrow Friday, July 13 at 4:30 am for a duration of 45 minutes
• Cathedral and Place General de Gaulle: tomorrow Friday, July 13 from 5:15 for a duration of about 45 minutes.
• Hospital Center of Ajaccio: Friday, July 13 at 6:00 am for a duration of about 45 minutes.

During these operations, pedestrian and automobile traffic will be prohibited.

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