Marijuana: Effectiveness against Asthma


Marijuana: Effectiveness Against Asthma – Cannabis Treatment

Researchers have long been working to combat this public health problem through a series of tests involving the use of cannabinol (CBD) , and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The first results are conclusive; suggesting in particular that CBD is an effective treatment for minimizing the inflammation suffered by asthmatics. Atopic diseases, of which Asthma being one of the most frequent; those that cause an individual the immediate experience of highly allergic reactions affect about 20% of the world's population …


Asthma is a chronic inflammation whose prevalence in the world has increased rapidly since the 1970s. Asthma is thought to be the result of a complex combination of environmental and social factors.

The doctor must not treat the disease, but the patient who suffers from it. – Maimonides The Asthma Treaty (1138-1204)

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease caused by transient inflammation of the bronchial tubes that overreacts to certain factors. This inflammation is responsible for bronchial obstruction. Acute shortness of breath is the most common symptom of asthma, but asthma may also result in tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing deeply, wheezing, shortness of breath on effort or a cough that does not pbad.

 For the first time the word "asthma" was used to designate the "atrocious suffocation" suffered by Hector lying in the plain. - Homer The Iliad, to song XV
For the first time, the word "asthma" was used to designate the "atrocious suffocation" suffered by Hector extended in the plain. – Homer The Iliad, to song XV

The disease is explained by three characteristic mechanisms

  • an inflammation with edema of the bronchial epithelium
  • a bronchoconstriction by bronchospasm
  • a bronchial hyperactivity (chronic or not ) manifested by increased secretion of mucus, particularly due to remodeling of the upper respiratory tract


The environmental triggers badumed include pollutants, allergens such as dust mites or mildew, tobacco smoke and exposure to potentially hazardous substances such as formaldehyde or phthalates found in PVC.

Extrinsic environmental factors may lead to hypermethylation or hypomethylation, either of which may affect ability of the cell to divide normally. The hereditary character of the individual coupled with exposure to an endotoxin (environment) triggers Asthma.

"A child who lives in a western city, evolving in a very hygienic environment, cleaned with anti-bacterial products by example, and who has genetic predispositions to asthma is an ideal candidate for developing this disease, especially if it one day a respiratory viral infection "Citation Fabrice Bureau


Various studies have isolated more than 25 genes related to asthma, many of which relate to the immune response, including T immune cells that play a crucial role in the regulation of inflammation,

Hereditary changes in T cells, could be an important factor in increasing the global prevalence of the disease. This could explain why asthma has not been constant in the history of mankind … The hypersensitivity of these cells is largely responsible for the development of the disease.

Epigenetic mechanisms have been shown to exert influence on T lymphocyte differentiation; out cannabidiol CBD (non-psychoactive) is known for its affinities with CB2 receptors on T-cells.

T-cells are a population of white blood cells that arise in the thymus.

The Endocannabinoid System

The role of the endocannabinoid system in asthma and the immunological response in general is of great interest to researchers, studies dating back to the 1970s determined that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) had a bronchodilatory effect, causing a stimulating and euphoric effect. Known therapeutic applications are listed by the International Association for Medical Cannabis include depressions, autoimmune diseases and inflammations and bronchodilator disorders.

During exertion the body generates endocannabinoids. It is the endorphin of the runner

"The doctor must be concerned that the patient and the one who enjoys good health are in a happy disposition; they must avoid the emotions that cause disturbances and disturbances. This is essential for the patient's healing and especially in cases of mental care such as hypochondria, depression and melancholy. "In the Asthma Treatise (VIII, 2) Maimonide

CBD against asthma [19659015] Recently a new Study (with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the Brazilian University "Extremo Sul Catarinense" and in collaboration with the "NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals") reveals that the CBD induces a reduction of two types of cytokines; known as Tp and Th2. In addition to showing that the treatment of CBD has been effective in reducing cytokine levels, the study suggests that CBD may influence a reduction of major stimuli to hypersecretion of "mucus," another major symptom experienced by people with asthma. The findings of the study are consistent with that of the Ribero study, which shows CBD to have potent immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties. CBD (Cannabidiol), partially reverses the effects of THC, and causes a relaxing or even sedative effect.

Commonly, studies conclude that THC and CBD inhibit the production of cytokine and interleukin-10 (a anti-inflammatory agent) in T cells in vitro, which may be critical in the development of lung inflammation such as asthma. Note that the rate of cannabinoids can vary greatly from one plant to another …

The Bronchodilator Effect

During the Golden Age of Medieval Islamic Civilization, Arab Doctors Discovered Diuretic Properties , antiemetic, antiepileptic, badgesic (anti pain) and antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, medical cannabis. Medicine that has been found with various methods of ingestion, but smoking cannabis turns out to give the most effective results in the immediate future

However, it is recommended to avoid non-cannabinoid materials, such as monoxide carbon e hydrogen cyanide, etc., vaporization (heating to release vapors, rather than combustion) is one of the safest and most effective inhalation methods. Opting for a portable vaporizer, which works very similarly to an inhaler, allows active compounds to penetrate deep into the lungs, even in the event of lung damage.

It is recommended to use a healthy plant, choose good varieties of cannabis depending on the type of symptom to be relieved. However, cannabis is not the only traditional remedy that can be administered by smoking it – St. Christopher's grbad (A. racemosa) is another occasional spray to relieve asthma symptoms.

"Pleasure aesthetic, games and entertainment positively affect health, since many diseases have disappeared by the mere fact of joy "Maimonides In the Treatise on Asthma (VIII, 2)

Marijuana: Effective against Asthma

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