Our appetite ages over the years


Depending on our age, our body does not have the same dietary needs and it evolves over the course of our lives. To age in shape, we must adapt our eating habits.

The meals are important for our health at all ages. Only we do not have the same needs at 10 or 40 years old. Scientists count seven "ages of appetite": 0-10 years; 10-20 years old; 20-30 years; 30-40 years old; 40-50 years old; 50-60 years and 60-70 years and beyond …

Our needs during the first decade, 0-10 years:
In infancy, the body grows very quickly. Early childhood eating behavior can have long-term consequences: an overweight child is likely to remain in adulthood. When children are reluctant to eat, meals are sometimes a real ordeal for them and their parents. But by giving them a regular taste of everything, in a positive spirit, we can get kids accustomed to essential foods, like vegetables.
Another important point: children must maintain control over the size of the portions they swallow . If they are forced to "finish their plate," they risk losing their ability to listen to their appetite and the signals of hunger that their body sends to them, which can lead them to eat too much later.
Moreover, More and more countries are calling for the avoidance of exposing young children to advertisements for products that are too fat or too sweet, not only on television but also in smartphone applications and on the Internet. Indeed, these spots incite overconsumption and contribute to the increase in the number of overweight children.

Second decade, 10-20 years:
In adolescence, the increase in appetite and the growth spurts caused by hormones announce the arrival of puberty and the pbadage to adulthood. The way a teenager feeds will influence his or her future lifestyle. This means that these young people's food choices will have a direct impact on the health of their own children. Unfortunately, if they are not well advised, teens sometimes adopt harmful eating habits and preferences.

At 20-30 years old, unwanted pounds are often difficult to lose

Third decade, 20-30 years :
Among young adults, lifestyle changes such as higher education, marriage or marriage, and parenthood can lead to weight gain.
These extra pounds are often difficult to lose: the body sends powerful signals of hunger when we do not eat enough, but the signals that warn us that we are eating too much are much weaker. Many physiological and psychological factors make it difficult to eat less in the long term.
Recent research is examining ways to develop a sense of satiety, that is feeling like you have eaten enough This is useful when one is trying to lose weight, since hunger is one of the main difficulties to overcome when one wants to eat less than what the body needs, and thus create a calorie deficit.
foods do not send all the same messages to the brain. It is easy to swallow a whole pot of ice, for example, because the fat does not send signals to encourage us to stop eating. On the other hand, foods rich in protein, water or fiber give us a feeling of satiety more important and lasting. Working with the agri-food industry, one can imagine developing new foods or snacks able to act on satiety.

Fourth decade, 30-40 years:
The active life also brings its lot of complications: a stomach that gurgles, of course, but also the effects of stress, which would alter the appetite and eating behavior of 80% of people. Some people gorge themselves, others lose their appetite. These contrasting reactions are intriguing: the phenomenon of "addiction to food", this irrepressible desire to eat specific foods, often high in calories, is still poorly known.

Many researchers even question its existence. Character traits such as perfectionism and rigor may also play a role in stress management and eating behavior.
Rethink the workplace to avoid the development of problematic eating habits such as snacking and eating. Distributor use is a real challenge. Employers should fund campaigns to promote good eating and stress management to ensure the well-being and productivity of their employees.

Fifth decade, 40-50 years:
We are creatures of 'habits. We tend to give in to them, even when we know them bad. We are thus reluctant to change our diet, even if it is not dietetic. Yet the word dietary comes from the Greek diaita which means "way of life". But in spite of everything, we want to continue to eat what we like without having to change the way we live. While keeping a healthy mind in a healthy body …
The diet can be a major factor of poor health. According to the World Health Organization, smoking, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle and alcoholism are the lifestyle factors that have the greatest impact on health and mortality.
is during this decade that adults should change their behavior in the direction most favorable to their health. But the symptoms of poor health (high blood pressure, cholesterol …) are often invisible, not conducive to action.

Sixth decade, 50-60 years:
The progressive loss of muscle mbad (from 0 , 5 to 1% per year from the age of fifty) continues throughout our old age. This phenomenon, called sarcopenia, is accelerated by decreased physical activity, inadequate protein intake and menopause in women.
A varied and balanced diet and regular physical activity are essential to alleviate the effects of cancer. 'age. However, the current offer does not meet the demand of an aging population in search of tasty food, inexpensive and rich in protein.
High protein snacks could be the ideal solution but there is for the moment that few adapted products.
More studies are needed to determine the most effective ways to solve the problem of overnutrition and undernutrition, particularly related to poverty and inequalities social. In general, young women are more vulnerable to deficiencies than men because of the functioning of their reproductive system. Pregnant teens are at even greater risk because their bodies are responsible for both their own growth and that of their fetus.

Seventh decade, 60-70 years and beyond
In view of the increase in life expectancy, one of the main challenges today is to maintain the quality of life of the elderly, on pain of creating a society of invalids.
To feed properly is all the more important that the old age causes a loss of appetite and even a decrease in the feeling of hunger, leading to weight loss and therefore greater fragility. Appetite can also be affected by diseases such as Alzheimer's
Eating is also a form of social interaction, which can be affected by factors such as insecurity, widowhood or the loss of loved ones. Solitary eating affects the enjoyment of eating … to which are added some physical effects of aging, such as difficulty swallowing, tooth problems, partial loss of taste and smell. "Without teeth, without eyes, without taste, without anything. Or the old age described by the melancholy Jacques in Shakespeare's play As you please …

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