the fight is not over


For the first time, the number of AIDS-related deaths per year has fallen to less than 1 million, UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé says, " this is not the time to lowering the guard "and regrets a" decline in financial investments ". Upstream of the 22 e edition of the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) to be held in Amsterdam from 23 to 27 July, UNAIDS unveiled its annual report.

In 2017, 21.7 million patients were receiving antiretroviral therapy out of a total of 36.9 million people living with HIV. However, the target set for 2020 is 30 million people on treatment. " If we do not have additional resources, we will not achieve this goal ," says Michel Sidibé

Read the interview with Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS.

" In 2 years from the expiry of the 90/90/90 * target, this report constitutes an interpellation addressed to all the actors of the international community . The fight is far from over "says Stéphanie Seydoux, French ambbadador for global health issues. Nevertheless, it welcomes France's commitment: " faced with the need for necessary resources, our country is committed and will host the Global Fund Replenishment Conference in 2019 ".

] The Crisis of Prevention

" We need to raise $ 14 billion to $ 18 billion for the Global Fund. We expect Emmanuel Macron to play his role as leader in the fight against HIV "said Aurélien Beaucamp, president of AIDES.

" In West Africa and especially in the center, domestic financing is almost non-existent. International solidarity is therefore very important. What would be the consequences of stopping this solidarity? "questions Yves Yomb of the Global Alliance Network of Communities for Health and Rights (Cameroon).

" We can not tolerate history repeating itself when technical and scientific means could to end the epidemic. The international community must remobilize on AIDS to avoid this fracture between the North and the South "said Aurélien Beaucamp.

Michel Sidibé also emphasized" the crisis of prevention "and calls for" a profound transformation ". " Our prevention programs do not reach key populations: men who have bad with men, migrants, bad workers, drug users … ," he says. About 40% of new infections are among these at-risk populations and their partners. " It is difficult to reach those populations who are victims of stigma and discrimination and who are hiding ," Yves Yomb points out.

Michel Sidibé also mentioned an unsatisfactory situation for children also " left behind " in the fight against AIDS. An additional 180,000 children have been infected with HIV in 2017. He calls for early comprehensive health education programs and continued efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission. He regrets " a retreat from this commitment ."

Finally, the Executive Director of UNAIDS announced that work was being done to further explore the link between physical or badual violence against women and the risk of HIV infection

"A Precarious Migration Policy"

" We must continue to work for the end of HIV / AIDS in 2030 becomes a reality by reducing the obstacles: fragility of the health systems, shortage of health personnel but also discrimination and stigmatization … ", advance Stephanie Seydoux.

Nicole Tsagué, AIDES activist has as for she denounced " a migration policy in France that precarious " and calls for simplifying access to the residence permit for sick people. " It is time to adopt welcoming and asylum policies that are more dignified and respectful of everyone's background. It is a question of humanity and public health . "

* 90% of infected persons screened / 90% of infected persons screened on treatment / 90% of people on treatment with viral load undetectable

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