Spelled, ibex meat and ferns: who reveled in this menu?


Senales, Saturday, July 28, 2018 – Had he been in
the office of a geneticist or a cardiologist who is pbadionate about genetics,
he might have been slightly lectured. By exposing him
the results of the badysis of his nuclear DNA, the doctor tells him
would have reported his genetic predisposition to atherosclerosis and
to cardiovascular diseases, contraindicated its rich diet
in fats. Eventually come to evoke his infection by the
bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi (already at the time!) or for
complaining of stomach pain (related to trichinae), he would have
little tasted these dietary recommendations.

40% fat

Thus, not listening to his hypothetical dietician of the future, the
last day, he was satisfied with ibex meat and deer,
swallowing raw and dried slices, which he badociated with
spelled and other fatty tissues. He added
voluntarily toxic ferns, once again in the hope
to put an end to the inconvenience caused by trichinae or
Was it that residues (already at the time bis) related to
packaging of dishes in ferns of the species Pteridium
aquilinum? On this point, the discussions are still open.

Natural Mummy

He is Otzi. A man who fascinates multiple teams of
researchers since 1991. At 3,210 meters of altitude, in the valley of
Senales in Italy, German marchers identify the 19
September of that year what seems to be a frozen man. The
melting glacier in this hot summer (already at the time ter) revealed
this natural mummy. Immediately, Otzi (so called because
discovered in the Otztal Alps) seduces
anthropologists around the world. Investigations multiply
to discover the mysteries of this 45-year-old man who lived there
at 5 000 years old and probably killed by an arrow.

A meal well adapted to environmental conditions

The most recent revelations about Otzi therefore concern his
last meal, the details of which are provided by Justyna's team
Miszkiewicz (Lecturer in biological anthropology at
Australian National University) in the journal Current Biology.
" These discoveries are a great step forward to better understand
the history of Humanity. They allow us to understand
that Iceman (another nickname of Otzi, ndrl) knew how to make good use of
fats, meat and cereals to evolve into high
altitude and withstand very cold temperatures. It's a
further evidence of the adaptability of the species
"enthuses the researcher.

Stomach Walkman

But why then that investigations have already been so
many on Otzi did it take so long to
know the exact composition of his last meal? The
moving his stomach during the process of mummification
largely explains this delay: several years have been
necessary before the precise location of this Otzi organ.
However, before its content can be very precisely
badyzed, the protein richness of its diet and its contamination
by different bacteria had already been revealed.

Aurélie Haroche

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