These pharmacies that refuse to serve the former drug addicts


This door to the green cross, there, he decided not to cross it. "The pharmacist always says to me: No, I do not have this product. Without further explanation, "Joel Joel, 53, a resident of Thuiles, a small village near Barcelonnette (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). Same as next.

The former heroin addict survives thanks to this product, methadone, a substitute for opioids issued on prescription. "If I did not, I might be dead. Like almost all my friends. In the absence of other solutions, the 50-year-old, father of three, has to travel for miles to find his pills.

Pharmacies who refuse to deliver methadone or Subutex, the other substitute for heroin? According to a test * conducted by the Association of Drug Users (Asud) that we reveal, more than 70% of pharmacies in the capital do. And it's totally illegal. Three of them went so far as to announce it on posters in the window.

"It made it possible to clean up the clientele"

"There was a trafficking of false prescriptions, ensures one of the pharmacists pinned, on condition of anonymity. We were invaded by thugs. So we put this message, which helped to clean up the customer. But afterwards, we should have removed it. It's true that it was awkward. "

His colleague will soon be before the disciplinary council of the Order for that. "I live very badly. I admit that I made a serious mistake, that it is contrary to the code of ethics. But I was scared. When we refuse to deliver Subutex because we realize that we are presented with a false prescription, how often do we hear ourselves say: I will slit you and your children. "

Arguments swept by the president of the Regional Order of Pharmacists. "These professionals have kept in memory the great robberies of the 1980s by heroin addicts, advance on his side Fabrice Olivet, director of ASUD. However, current users are mostly employees who took heroin at a time and managed to get by. "

"Everyone has to play the game, it's the law"

Substitutes have helped to stem the number of overdoses. Little by little, drug addicts have swapped "la blanche" for these substances. "Pharmacists also often invoke the argument of morality to refuse to sell, continues Olivet. They do not want, they say, to give drugs to drug users. "

According to him, it is necessary to restore the equilibrium to avoid the ghetto pharmacies, which deliver them and in front of which queues of excluded are lengthened, and the others. "Everyone has to play the game. In any case, it's the law," says the director of this badociation approved by the Ministry of Health. "The risk, he continues, is also that people who need it buy these products on the street from dealers. "

The substitutes allowed Joël never to return to heroin, a drug that swallowed him at 16 years. "It was all my life, there was nothing else. Years wasted, stealing, jail time. Today, he takes only 10 mg of methadone a day, compared to 120 mg at the beginning. "Almost nothing, a capsule by habit. "

* Produced in August in Paris in 115 pharmacies.


Martial Fraysse, President of the Ile-de-France Order of Pharmacists

Martial Fraysse, at the head of the Regional Order of Pharmacists of Ile-de-France, is very up against his colleagues who refuse to deliver Subutex or methadone.

Three complaints have been lodged by an addictology treatment center against pharmacies that display on their shop windows their refusal to deliver Subutex. The next, he promises, he will do it. " It's unbearable. These pharmacists will go before the council of the order. The penalty will fall at the end of the year. It can go as far as prohibiting the practice. "

"We sent a general information to all professionals last year, they know perfectly what their duties," recalls Martiel Fraysse, who sweeps each argument. Insecurity? "Fears more than real facts. And then, he adds, the violence may well come from other patients who come for anxiolytics, hypnotics … "

The fear of false prescriptions, not reimbursed? " It's finish. ". So, Martial Fraysse repeats it: even if it is, according to him, not the case of the majority of the pharmacies, "one does not have to choose his customers".

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