Discover the five couples who give back faith in love


The farmers of season 13 of "L'Amour is in the meadow" around the host Karine Le Marchand. – Cecile ROGUE / M6

Let's be honest, if we look Love is in the meadowit's also because the emerging love stories of
Farmers are always a little magical. This year, we have been particularly well served. In the balance sheet,
couples dripped with love. Difficult not to share their emotion when they indulged without false modesty on their feelings. So we have selected the best of the best loves born in season 13 of Love is in the meadow.

"I think it's a real love story that starts with Christopher …" ???#ADP in replay ▶ ️

– 6play (@ 6play) November 6, 2018

Jean-Claude and Chantal

Jean-Claude is phlegm, it's modesty … and one of our favorites. Falling in love with Chantal, the sheep farmer confided directly about the feelings he felt for his beautiful, Martinique to see his family during the filming of the balance sheet.

"I left to have fun. Those who hoped for something were disappointed. Life is made like that. It started at the mail. I had made three piles, and Chantal's letter was a pile all by herself. At speed dating, she looks at me, I take her hand … It was decided. This is the first time it happens to me, it's beautiful, I'm on a small cloud. But at the same time, at my age, nothing surprises me anymore. During the trip, I thought I had lost her, I was sick. Today it flows naturally. It's nice to have a story like that once in your life. "

Raoul and Laetitia

Raoul and Laetitia seem to have fallen from another planet. Enamored looks, easy teaser, always to give the hand or to make small caresses … The feelings of lovebirds Reunion are seen as the nose in the middle of the figure. And if Raoul admits having "made work [s]we are throbbing, "Laëtitia is not left out.

"We met three days before the portrait on a fair. I was working. He looks at me, he smiles at me, something is happening. At that moment, I bugged. After, we spent the afternoon talking to each other instead of working. We saw each other, a little like teenagers because concretely nothing happened. Afterwards, he told me that I had to participate in the show. I told him, "If you have to go through it for yourself, I'll come and I'll eat it all." Since the end of the shoot, I have stayed a little bit in a bubble. We moved in together. "

Vincent and Pascale

Between the tomato enthusiast and his sweet, we saw that it went without saying. But to hear Vincent and Pascale tell their love in their own words is something else. If the farmer sees himself as "a little rough of nature", he is nonetheless very romantic.

"I quickly realized that it was the right one. We did not have any constraints, tensions, flutter … We never shouted. Both of us are one. The morning in the ice we only see one face … "

Aude and Christopher

The sunbeam of the thirteenth season, the cheerful Aude has also found love. The one who claims to have "realized that I needed someone to let me talk, who listens to my emotions" found the man who corresponded to him in the person of Christopher. It must be said that he has such a cute way to talk about their story that it would crack anyone.

"I did not want to go on TV, already, I do not like the pictures. I surpbaded myself. My friends pushed me, they forced me and helped write the letter. It took me almost three hours to write four pages. When I saw it at speed dating, it's limited if I did not hurt, my eyes were bulging. It hit me right away, we just laughed. I had a crush. I will move before the end of the year. We will start a family. "

Thomas and Mehdi

We did not follow their entire love affair in the show, but Thomas did not arrive single on the balance sheet. "This show has reopened what I closed," says the oyster farmer. I grew up with everyone's experiences. "

"I met Mehdi during May, we settled together early July. I do not know where I'm going, but I'm sure of him. I like it, I want to keep it. "

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