Scientists discover that the brain is still functioning for a few seconds after stopping the heart


Life after death. We would all like to know what is after death. Apart from wacky theories or companies that want to make you immortal like Nectom for example, we do not really know what happens.
It's a nice step forward that was made by researchers in New York as reported by Daily Mail.

Specifically, when the heart stops, brain activity continues for a few moments. So you are aware that you are dead and everything that is happening next to you. The study shows that survivors of a heart attack were aware of what was happening around them while they were clinically dead, before being brought back to life. They were able to describe what was happening while their heart was stopped. As explained by Dr. Parnia " they will describe having watched doctors and nurses work, they will be aware of being fully aware of ongoing conversations, visual events in progress, of which they would not be aware. "

Interestingly, according to the results of the study, the people who had this experience namely, the survivors of a heart attack, would be " more willing to help others ", after that. They would have found a new meaning to life after meeting death. With this study, the researchers want " improve the quality of resuscitation and prevent brain damage when restarting the heart. "

Unlike the movie The forbidden experience released in 1990 and then re-released in 2017, people coming back to life, do not come back with more memories. Anyway, when a person is pronounced dead and his heart is stopped, the brain cells continue to function for a few hours.

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