A year to end the galley of rush hours in transport


Unlocking public transportation during rush hours to finally get to work without being squeezed. This is the objective of the new experiment launched this Wednesday, the Île-de-France region, SNCF Transilien, the RATP and the Defense site.

In the business district, between 35,000 and 50,000 employees will be encouraged to shift their arrival and departure times. A "smoothing" or spreading of rush hours to prevent these thousands of people from moving at the same time. Because these pendular flows are often synonymous with delays, uneasiness travelers and other incidents.

It only takes 15 minutes

"If 5% of people shift by a quarter of an hour, it will get closer to the configuration of a Saturday morning, says Alain Krakovitch, General Manager of SNCF Transilien. The users would gain in comfort, and the lines in regularity, with an increase of three points of punctuality ". "We are investing 24 billion euros," adds Ile-de-France Mobilités. But the results will take time and this is not enough to ease the galley of the Paris region. According to the Transport Regulatory Authority, "71% of daily traffic is carried during peak hours, especially in the morning. "

35,000 to 50,000 employees involved

Thirteen companies, among the largest employers in the business district (Allianz, Axa, EDF, Engie, The Four Times, Primagaz, Saint-Gobain, Societe Generale, Total) will thus commit, this Wednesday morning, by signing a charter, to extend the departure and arrival times of their employees. The objective of the experiment, lasting one year, is that in every society between 5 to 10% of employees arrive outside the morning rush hour, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thursday, busy days.

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On the schedules, the charter advises them a new daily organization. With, for example, a common base of presence from 10 am to 3 pm, no constraint (meeting, appointment, etc.) scheduled before 10 am and after 5 pm and a tolerated arrival range between 6:30 am and 10 am 30, with departures in the evening, accordingly.

Incentives to change habits

Companies will also commit to allow 1 to 2 days per week of teleworking (home, coworking space, other sites of the company, etc.) and / or teleworking days to be asked throughout the year . Employees may also be offered measures in favor of alternative modes of travel: carpooling (reimbursement on an open platform, subsidizing journeys, etc.) or cycling (kilometric allowance, parking spaces, etc.). Finally, from Wednesday, a platform "Challenge Defense" must see the day. Whenever an employee shifts his schedule or uses the bike, a coworking space, etc., he can benefit from points that will be converted into gift vouchers

The previous one at Plaine Commune

This idea was launched by SNCF in 2013 following an experiment in Rennes and a first test was carried out at Plaine Commune (Seine-Saint-Denis) in 2015. Realized on a small scale, it proved conclusive. , according to the participants. 600 employees had participated in a challenge over three weeks, slightly shifting their schedules. Appraisal: a decrease in peak hour traffic of 7.3%, ie ten RER cars released.

The ball in the companies' camp

This time, the test at La Défense is on a much larger scale. "Above all, everyone is around the table, and there will be an evaluation of the experience. We maintain the freedom of each company, and it's very positive, "said Marie-Sophie Claverie, Executive Director of Medef Ile-de-France.

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