Bruno Le Maire does not want a change of governance


Bruno Le Maire on Tuesday opposed any change in the governance of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, saying that the general manager of Renault "must remain the president of the alliance."

Bruno Le Maire is uncompromising on the balance of power within the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance. "In the governance, it is expected that the CEO of Renault is the president of the alliance. This rule should not change, "said the minister on LCI, in response to a question about a possible upheaval within the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance after the arrest of the Renault CEO for suspicion of financial malfeasance. "The general manager of Renault – currently Thierry Bolloré, interim executive director since the arrest of Calos Ghosn, Editor's note – must remain the president of the alliance," hammered Bruno Le Maire, while Carlos Ghosn was stripped of his Nissan and Mitsubishi president functions.

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Bruno Le Maire has again rejected any "conspiracy theory" and implicitly the badumption that the crisis is a coup of leaders of Nissan or other actors to break the alliance or cause a rebalancing in favor of Japanese partners.

A meeting this week in the Netherlands

Senior alliance officials (its executive board is composed of 10 members, 5 appointed by Renault, 5 by Nissan) are to meet this week in the Netherlands, for a first meeting since the arrest of Carlos Ghosn, said Sunday the daily Yomiuri Shimbun. This meeting was planned for a long time but the fate of the alliance is likely to be discussed, according to the daily. Hiroto Saikawa, Nissan's current executive boss who is due to attend the meeting, sent a message to employees on Monday at a meeting in Yokohama headquarters. He stressed in particular "inequality" in the structure, so far the powers were concentrated in the hands of one man, which prevented any strategic discussion between Renault and Nissan, according to a source close to the company.

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"There is today a sharing that seems good to me, there is a balance that is good. There are cross-shareholdings between Renault and Nissan that should not change, "said Bruno Le Maire on LCI. Renault owns just over 43% of Nissan, which owns 15% of the French manufacturer. The French State holds the same amount of capital, about 15% (and 22% of the voting rights), of the diamond firm. "I do not want any change in the balance of power between Renault and Nissan, levels of cross-shareholdings," insisted the minister.

He also reiterated his appeal to the Japanese authorities to dispose of material evidence of the suspicions hanging over Carlos Ghosn, who for the moment has been retained as CEO even though he has been dismissed from the operational management of the group. "I am only convinced when there is evidence. There are charges hanging over Carlos Ghosn, but there is no evidence, "said Bruno Le Maire, invoking the presumption of innocence. "As Renault's main reference shareholder, the government asked for this evidence. Well, I renew this request, I still have no evidence, no tangible element on the charges hanging over Mr. Ghosn, "concluded Bruno Le Maire.

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