After Emmanuel Macron's speech, Laurent Wauquiez calls for a referendum


POLITICAL SCAN – Invited by CNews, the president of the Republicans who reacted to the intervention of Emmanuel Macron asked "a referendum" so that the French can give their opinion on the energy transition and the government plan.

Reacting to Emmanuel Macron's speech Tuesday, the president of the Republicans ruled that the President of the Republic had "still not understood" the movement of yellow vests or anger expressed. According to him, the only answer of the Head of State brought by the president would be a "course of ecology" and "a very complex administrative device".

"We are in a situation of blockage, heavy. And to get out of this block, we must give the floor to the French. We have a President of the Republic who no longer hears the French and French who are more and more angry, "said the president of LR.

"There must be a consultation of the French. This goes through a referendum.

Laurent Wauquiez on the CNews set

According to Laurent Wauquiez, the government policy on energy transition and fuel price increases were not announced during the presidential election and therefore not decided by the French. "In the program of the presidential Emmanuel Macron has never given the amount of tax increases it provided. In the presidential program, the only thing that was highlighted was the convergence between the taxation of diesel and gasoline. We are far beyond, "responded the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. "And Emmanuel Macron has considerably hardened and made more brutal the trajectory on the carbon tax," Laurent Wauquiez developed on the set of Laurence Ferrari.

In this context, if Laurent Wauquiez still calls for the cancellation of the increase in fuel taxes, he also asks for a "change of method" of the executive with "a consultation of the French" and "a referendum" on the issue energy transition and taxes. Only way for the president of LR to "get out of this impbade" today.

"The president defends an ecology that is an ecology through taxes. I think it's a mistake, "continued Laurent Wauquiez. "There must be a consultation of the French. This goes through a referendum. It is the tool of the V Republic. This is what can help restore calm in the country. We need to find some serenity. We can not remain in this situation of blockage ", defended Laurent Wauquiez.

The president of the Republicans "hopes that the president himself will take this initiative." "I am convinced that otherwise the tension, the blockage, the exacerbation inside the country will continue," he warned. "Today, the legitimate feeling of the French is that they are not listened to," said Laurent Wauquiez.

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