" it's not my fault "


The mother of Jonathann Daval, one of whose hair was found in the trunk of the car that was used to transport the body of Alexia Daval, testifies this Wednesday on the air of BFMTV.

She badures that she discovered the existence of this hair yesterday, by the media: "I was not aware, I did not know that there could be a hair of me in the car," she says , before adding: "A hair is volatile, he was able to transfer there. (…) He was able to find himself in the car by hugging my son, kissing him, he probably landed on his clothes. "

"Gregory did this to destabilize Jonathann"

The mother of the main suspect expresses his bitterness: "I am very unhappy that we talk about it like that on TV Grégory does not have to say all that, I think it is also to reach my son, Jonathann , through me. (…) Grégory [NDRL: Gay, le frère d’Alexia Daval] did that to destabilize Jonathann, "says Martine Henry.

She also continues to deny any complicity: "I have never been in the car, especially in the trunk.I deny this complicity, I'm not for nothing.It is not possible, it's not my hair I never got in it. "

This statement comes as Jonathann Daval is to be questioned Thursday morning by an examining magistrate of the court of Besançon, after having retracted his confession and incriminating his in-laws.

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