Murder of Alexia: Jonathann Daval's mother "denies any complicity" and castigates the brother-in-law


On Tuesday, the name of a new protagonist came to interfere in the investigation into the murder of Alexia Daval, that of Martine Henry. The DNA of Jonathann Daval's mother was found in the trunk of the professional car of the main suspect, the one used to transport Alexia's corpse.

Jonathann's brother-in-law, Gregory Gay, reported the discovery of a hair by Martine Henry.

Faced with this new rebound, the mother came out of silence on Wednesday in an interview with BFMTV. "I was not aware, I did not know that there could be a hair of me in the car," she said.

Martine Henry defended it, declaring that "a hair is volatile. (…) It was able to be there by hugging my son, kissing him, he was able to land on his clothes".

"I strongly deny this complicity, I'm not for anything in it, it's not my hair, I've never been in the car, it can not be my hair."

Mother of Jonathann Daval: "I deny this complicity, I'm not for nothing"

– BFMTV (@BFMTV) November 28, 2018

"Gregory does not have to say all that"

Jonathann Daval's mother also attacked Gregory Gay. "I'm unhappy that we talk about it like that on TV, Grégory does not have to say all that".

According to her, the element brought by Grégory Gay aims to "destabilize Jonathann for the hearing", an interview scheduled Thursday.

Asked on Wednesday morning, a source close to the investigation said that after the discovery of the hair, "this element has not been deemed significant".

Jonathann Daval, the number one suspect of the murder of his wife Alexia, will be questioned Thursday morning by an examining magistrate of the court of Besançon, after retracting his confession and incriminating his in-laws.

This audition will be followed on December 7th by two confrontations, the first with the sister of Alexia and her husband, Stéphanie and Grégory Gay, and the second, with the parents of Alexia, Isabelle and Jean-Pierre Fouillot.

All civil parties, they claimed these face-to-face after being implicated by Jonathann Daval.

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