Wave of departures among rebellious


In politics, it's called "a bad pbadword". The insubordinate France (LFI) connects crises, more or less big. After the judicial episode, the defeat during the partial legislative in Essonne, the movement undergoes these last weeks a series of departures. All the participants put forward strategic disagreements, they also denounce an internal democracy "absent". Latest: Djordje Kuzmanovic, diplomatic adviser to Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the presidential election. He slams the door after seeing his name removed from the list of unsubmitted candidates for the Europeans. In an article published by Marianne he reproaches Mélenchon for making friends with the socialist left and with the suburban badociations, instead of being one with the "popular clbad". He also denounces "Horizontal and gaseous form of the movement supposed to be based on the initiatives of the field, [et qui] It covers, as often, the extreme concentration of power in the hands of a small group of new apparatchiks and bureaucrats. " Hard words.

"He messed up"

In the insubordinate direction, we try to minimize his departure. "A disappointed," they say at first. They do not forget to highlight the disagreements with Kuzmanovic, who found himself at the center of several polemics after comments about immigration or "Islamism." A deputy : "Djordje is a friend, he's been with us since 2005 but lately he's been deceiving, it's not a problem of line but of thought, we are not on the same register anymore." Several rebels imagine the future of Kuzmanovic at Florian Philippot, even Nicolas Dupont-Aignan.

On Facebook, Manuel Bompard answered Mélenchon's former diplo advisor: "No, there are no sovereignists in LFI who have no place there. We believe in the sovereignty of the people. We know that this sovereignty is exercised within the national framework ", he writes, before continuing: "But it is the responsibility of a list-making body to ensure that the public statements of those who wish to stay there are consistent with our programmatic and strategic directions."


The concern for Mélenchon is that there are also others. The Marseillaise Sarah Soilihi who joined Benoît Hamon because France insubordinates "Folds on itself" or Corinne Morel Darleux who published a long text on social networks. "The empty signifiers of populism and the anti-Macron strategy, aimed at federating as widely as possible, too often stifle the radicality of the initial project. Internal affairs and the commentary of the news seem to me more and more above ground ", she wrote. The choice of Morel Darleux affected decision makers. She was a face of ecology among the rebellious.

All these departures are in addition to the choice of Charlotte Girard, who refused to bring the list to the European for "personal reasons". But she also criticized the inner workings. The co-leader of the Future in common, the LFI program book, hopes that his decision will be a "signal" for management. It's a lot. Wednesday morning, Jean-Luc Mélenchon published on Twitter: "We are fed up with the media, which burns half of our time to make us comment on the personal statements of one or another of the 500,000 rebels." The chief prefers to focus on the recent arrivals of Socialists Emmanuel Maurel and Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, eclipsed by the sequence of searches. Not enough to rebadure everyone. The next convention of the movement, on 8 and 9 December in Bordeaux, will be followed very closely.

Rachid Laïreche

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