Hundreds of Google employees join Amnesty International to protest against Dragonfly


"Many of us have accepted a job at Google keeping in mind the company's values, including its previous position on Chinese censorship and surveillance, and understanding that Google was a company willing to place its values above his profits. " Several hundred Google employees have publicly expressed their political conscience in an open letter published on Medium.

They explain joining the action of Amnesty International, which calls Google to cancel his project Dragonfly. Under this code name hides the program allowing the American search engine to return to China. To achieve this, Google would not hesitate to submit to the censorship exercised by the Chinese Communist Party. And to make disappear some results dissonant compared to the official voice.

To a separate Internet in two?

"Our opposition to Dragonfly does not concern China: we oppose technologies that help the powerful to oppress the most vulnerable, wherever they are, however Google employees. Dragonfly in China would set a dangerous precedent at an unstable political moment, preventing Google from denying other countries similar concessions. "

In addition to concerns about human rights and censorship in the country, Dragonfly could prove to be a problem as to the very structure of the internet. Last September, the former boss of Google himself, Eric Schmidt, believed that the deployment of this project would create a separate Internet in two. A party would then be controlled by China, with all the excesses that would suppose.

Since the announcement of Dragonfly, hundreds of Google employees are protesting against this program. First internally and now publicly, trying to defend what has long been the motto of the company: "Do not be evil".

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