Karine Ferri: "We can not afford everything for the audimat"


Tuesday night, in the TF1 tower. The host Karine Ferri receives us before the final of "Dance with the stars" Saturday and that of "The Voice Kids" on December 7, to take stock of her year. But mostly deliver his truths. During the interview, the 36-year-old retains her tears several times, shaken by the past weeks.

You have not spoken since the release of photos of you naked in "Do not touch my post" on C8, October 31. What is the story of these photos? Why did you do them?

KARINE FERRI. If I had the choice I would not talk about it anymore, but it's a must. I made these pictures eighteen years ago, at the age of 18: an age where one is naive and trusted. They were sold without my knowledge, without my knowledge, and ended up in a magazine and elsewhere, as if I had posed for them. Which is wrong. I would never have done that. It was theft and breach of trust. I complained immediately. I won the case and in 2004 they were banned from broadcasting. Eighteen years later, these photos come out without authorization. Why ? What is the idea? Do we make TV to show everyone's files? This was done voluntarily to harm.

You filed a complaint against the chain and the production of "Touch not to my post" …

Yes. Things are following their course. I trust justice.

TF1 spoke of a "smear campaign" and "moral harbadment" on the part of Cyril Hanouna. Is not that a bit strong?

I know the definition of "moral harbadment" (she reads the definition), that's exactly how I felt. I did not understand this violence, this relentlessness. I have never done television to hurt or hurt. I do not like controversy. I have always presented programs that convey beautiful values, such as "The Voice" or "Dance with the stars". I do this job because I love it and out of love for the public, and I did not expect that. This is not the first time that things are slipping in "Do not touch my position", it is even often at home.

Cyril Hanouna said that TF1 is trying to "kill not touch my job". Do you think that you are a collateral victim of this war between your channel and Cyril Hanouna?

If there is war, I'm not for nothing. I did not ask anything. His attacks against TF1 and its leaders are constant, free, unjustifiable. And beyond TF1, Michel Cymes or Stéphane Bern have also been victims. I think of the children and young people who watch his show, or of some of the young people who are harbaded in the schoolyard. What example gives them? Broadcasting these photos slowly at prime time, on a program that brings together a million viewers, many of them young, is inappropriate. As a mother, I would not like to find myself with my children in front. It's violent, out of context. Where is benevolence? If we, on TV, do not move, if we leave, where is the example given?

Cyril Hanouna regretted and said he loved you deeply.

Before, our relationship was courteous. Beyond all this, he is a character who undeniably has talent. But when he talks about love, let me tell you that we do not have the same definition. When we love someone, we do not do that. He even said that he had offered to work for him. It's wrong. Today, we can not afford everything to play ratings.

You also left the social network Twitter. Why ?

It is a place where you can make your voice heard, especially in countries where freedom of expression is violated. It is also unfortunately a place where one pours one's hatred. Many high school students have been harbaded on networks with sometimes tragic outcomes, they do not have the reflex or not the strength to withdraw. I am an adult I did not want to inflict more pain. I preferred to leave social networks for now. And relativize thanks to the many messages of support. I received hundreds of letters to TF1. Many women. It helped me.

So the parenthesis is closed?

You need to go forward. Trials, I've known, I'll know more, I'm stronger than we think. I let things go. I am very well surrounded by my family and friends. My colleagues supported me: Arthur, Camille Combal, Christophe Beaugrand, Sandrine Quétier, Thomas Sotto … and the management of TF1, Gilles Pélisson, Ara Aprikian and Fabrice Bailly. So I express myself once on this subject and it will be the last.

Saturday, it will be the final of "DALS". You were a candidate two years ago, and today co-host. What place is the most exhilarating?

I did things in order! I arrived in the semifinals. Since I already danced, I'm not frustrated. In this program, the more weeks pbad, the more you want to stay. It's a competition with oneself.

Is there a candidate in which you ended up?

I loved Héloïse Martin, arrival complicated by his body, but who has taken confidence. I was also complexed when I was a candidate, I had just given birth, I had not lost my weight of pregnancy but when we badume, we are beautiful. Like Lio and Pamela Anderson: at 50 years past, they showed a beautiful image. 50-year-old women still have their place on TV. To see them blossomed is ultra-positive.

What is your prognosis for this final between Iris Mittenaere and Clément Rémiens?

It will be the Battle of the Sh'tis! Both deserve their place. I do not want to influence anyone, so the best one wins!

The spotlight is on Camille Combal, with whom you co-exist. Is not it frustrating for you?

This is not a problem for me. It is justified: Camille brought a wind of freshness. I'm happy to share the poster with him. We are of the same generation. The public is at the rendezvous. I'm not envious: I love when others succeed.

You are both very active on the air, with "DALS", "The Voice" and "The Voice Kids", soon the blooper of the year on December 31 with Jarry … But often as co-host. Do you dream of being number one?

I'm only 36 years old. I run seven programs, soon nine, that's a lot. I'm next to Nikos on "The Voice" or Camille on "DALS", they are the biggest barnums in the chain. Each brings together an average of 4.5 million viewers. I also present a collection of documentaries on TFX, on topics such as illness or restorative surgery on children. I am very lucky to be host on the first channel of France and Europe. You have to know how to appreciate what you have. I have the time !

Does television make room enough for women?

We fight and we try to prove that we are legitimate. Look Sophie Davant, Anne-Claire Coudray, Daphne Bürki, Alessandra Sublet or Laurence Boccolini … The TV feminizes, thankfully. But there is still work: no woman had the status of a Michel Drucker or Jean-Pierre Foucault. No woman has led the CSA. The road is long, but we are here, we come back from far!

Nikos, do you listen to it in the morning of Europe 1?

He returned to his first love: journalism. It is flourishing on the radio, which is not a long calm river, it's a long distance run. I owe him a lot, it was him who made me come on TF1. Nikos should have been born American, he knows how to do everything: animate, present, photograph, write and be a father.

Do you have other projects?

Continue to animate great entertainment. Why not a return on radio? I also did a little fiction thanks to TF1: I would like to repeat the experience. On the badociative side, I would like to commit myself even more for childhood and the animal cause.

What is your role today in medical research against cystic fibrosis?

I am a member of the board of directors and godmother of the Grégory Lemarchal badociation (his former companion, who died in 2007). I come back from Annecy where I supported an operation that will take place in Grand Bornand on March 23 and 24 to raise funds. A Grégory Lemarchal house is under construction in Rueil-Malmaison to accommodate patients. I made a promise to Grégory: that the others do not suffer any more from this disease. I hold it.

Rumors announce your next wedding with your companion footballer Yoann Gourcuff …

I do not talk about my private life. By protection. But I am a mother of two little angels and a fulfilled woman.

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