LREM: Sonia Krimi "incited to leave the group"


Sonia Krimi is once again in turmoil within her group. The MEP LREM of the Channel is the target of criticism of many walkers after wearing a yellow vest given by demonstrators at its headquarters in Cherbourg. " Faced with the distress of the people I received, I symbolically put on a vest they had given me to testify that our majority understood their distress. And that measures would be taken to alleviate their suffering ", Wrote the elected in the 4th district of the Channel in a statement relayed by 20minutes, shortly before the announcements of the Head of State.

"He blamed me for 'fraternising' with the 'yellow vests'"

According to information from Release this Wednesday, November 28, this gesture earned him an interview Monday afternoon with the president of the group Gilles Le Gendre. " He reproached me for 'fraternizing' with the 'yellow vests' and told me: 'Think about your place in the group, there is a lot of hostility towards you'. It makes me leave the group because he can not do it himself right now, to avoid damaging the image of En Marche! ", She confides in the columns of Liberation. The divorce seems imminent between the elected and the group LREM.

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