The Marseillais vs the rest of the World 3: Julien Bert flies Carla Moreau, Stephanie Clerbois wins against Kevin Guedj … Replay episode 64


In episode 63 of Marseilles VS the rest of World 3, Julien Bert had a fight with Carla Moreau and tonight, things did not settle! The young man is very up against the pretty blonde and he prefers to flee throughout the evening … Manon Marsault then gives some advice to his girlfriend to try to win back Julien Bert, but it does not want to know anything! He does not care about his excuses and declarations of love … For him, their story is over! He gave it his all in this relationship, but from the beginning, he finds that he is being walked on … He prefers to leave Carla!

Back at the villa, Carla then makes a meeting to confess his love to Julien Bert, but it is not touched by his speech … Kevin Guedj, him, prefers to laugh! The next morning, Kevin teases Carla Moreau by throwing him some pics and that's how we learned that there was a big clash between them in the night. Carla Moreau reportedly told Kevin "to go back to bed with your father" ! Stephanie then bads a lead against her clbadmate and when she learns that Kevin Guedj went to tease her in the morning, she is also angry against him! For his part, Julien Bert does not even have the strength to react … He realizes that he was too fast with Carla!

The Marseillais vs the rest of the World 3: Julien Bert flies Carla Moreau, Stephanie Clerbois wins against Kevin Guedj ... Replay episode 64

Later, the two teams meet David Lantin for the last event of the adventure. While Les Marseillais have almost 20,000 points more than the rest of the world, nothing is played … The candidates will then compete on several duels and at the key, there are more than 10,000 points to win! Tomorrow in the next episode, Carla Moreau will try everything for the recapture of Julien Bert … But before discovering this new episode, know that Carla Moreau and Julien Bert had a big discussion during the filming of Marseilles in Asia and an argument might have broken out between them!

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